It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
It was the dawn of optimism, it was the dusk of pessimism, it was the year of clarity, it was the year of confusion, it was the parade of triumphs, it was the march of failures, it was the bouquet of success, it was the bouquet of… wilted flowers. It was a time of eloquence, it was a time of complete mumbling, it was a symphony of joy, it was a cacophony of complaints. Truly, it was the best of times to celebrate, yet also the best of times to take a nap.
It was the era of high hopes, it was the era of low expectations, it was the pinnacle of genius, it was the bottom rung of common sense, it was the era of daring leaps, it was the era of cautious steps, it was the year of high fashion, it was the year of really questionable pants. It was a period when everything seemed possible, and simultaneously nothing worked quite right — especially the Wi-Fi.
It was a time of sparkling innovation, it was a time of unnecessary gadgetry, it was the moment of great discoveries, it was the moment we discovered we left the stove on, it was a time of lavish celebrations, it was a time we ran out of snacks. It was an age of bold speeches, it was an age of awkward silences. Whether we were building futures or just building IKEA furniture, it was a confusing time for all.
It was the peak of confidence, it was the pit of insecurity, it was the dawn of great awakenings, it was the night of hitting snooze. It was a season of grand ambitions, it was a season of grand procrastination. It was a time of deep thinking, and a time of binge-watching the entire season of that one show. Ah yes, it was the era of great progress, as well as the era of waiting for next Monday to finally start that new habit.
It was the golden age of opportunity, it was the bronze age of missed deadlines, it was a chapter of glowing successes, it was a chapter of mildly embarrassing failures. It was a time when we felt invincible, yet a time when we felt winded after climbing two flights of stairs. We spoke of revolution, but mostly just revolved around the kitchen, wondering if there was more ice cream. Yes, it was quite the rollercoaster.
It was the zenith of hope, it was the nadir of broken New Year’s resolutions, it was the height of daring, it was the depth of cautious hesitations, it was the time to seize the day, it was the time to, well… think about seizing it tomorrow. It was the era of profound thoughts and deeply irrelevant cat memes. And in this whirlwind of activity, we did everything, and simultaneously nothing. How wonderfully confusing it all was.
It was the reign of clarity, it was the reign of, “Wait, what was I doing again?”, it was the summit of enlightenment, it was the valley of forgetting your password, it was a time of focused work, it was a time of productivity tips that were somehow more distracting than the distractions. We reached for the stars, but often just reached for the remote. And so, as paradoxical as it was, it was a time we will fondly look back on… unless we completely forgot it already.