Blog2Social WordPress Plugin: Der ultimative Leitfaden für automatisiertes Social-Media-Sharing

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Erfahre alles über das Blog2Social WordPress Plugin! In diesem umfassenden Ratgeber zeigen wir dir Schritt für Schritt, wie du mit Blog2Social mühelos deine Inhalte in den sozialen Netzwerken teilen kannst, um Reichweite und Engagement zu steigern.


Hey, schön, dass du da bist! Ich weiß, wie frustrierend und zeitaufwändig es sein kann, alle Blogbeiträge einzeln in verschiedenen sozialen Netzwerken zu teilen. Da sitzt man stundenlang an der Erstellung des Contents, und dann soll man ihn noch manuell auf Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn und Co. posten? Puh, das ist oft eine Mammutaufgabe – besonders, wenn man es regelmäßig macht. Aber keine Sorge, ich habe eine echte Geheimwaffe für dich: das Blog2Social WordPress Plugin. In diesem Artikel gehe ich auf sämtliche Details ein, die du brauchst, um dieses praktische Tool auf Herz und Nieren zu verstehen und erfolgreich anzuwenden. Halte dich fest, denn wir tauchen jetzt ganz tief in die wunderbare Welt automatisierten Social-Media-Sharings ein.


  1. Blog2Social WordPress Plugin: Eine umfassende Einführung
  2. Warum ausgerechnet Blog2Social WordPress Plugin?
  3. Wie funktioniert automatisiertes Social-Media-Sharing?
    1. Automatisierte Workflows verstehen
    2. Warum Zeitpläne so wichtig sind
  4. Installation und Einrichtung in wenigen Schritten
  5. Konfiguration der Netzwerke: Von Facebook bis Pinterest
  6. Blog2Social WordPress Plugin im Detail: Alle Features auf einen Blick
  7. Einstellungen für individuelle Posting-Formate
  8. Planung und Scheduling: Timing ist alles
    1. Optimale Posting-Zeiten finden
    2. Wiederkehrende Beiträge planen
  9. Die Bedeutung von Hashtags, Handles & Co.
  10. Content-Recycling leicht gemacht
  11. Statistiken und Analytics: Erfolgsmessung deiner Posts
  12. Fehlerbehebung und Troubleshooting
  13. Sicherheit und Kompatibilität mit anderen Plugins
  14. Best Practices für mehr Reichweite
  15. Praxisbeispiele: Wie ich Blog2Social täglich nutze
  16. Tipps für SEO und Social Media
  17. Vergleich mit anderen Social-Media-Plugins
  18. Tabellarische Übersicht: Blog2Social vs. Alternativen
  19. Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs)
  20. Fazit: Blog2Social WordPress Plugin als dein ultimativer Helfer

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1. Blog2Social WordPress Plugin: Eine umfassende Einführung

Wenn wir über die Automatisierung des Social-Media-Sharings sprechen, dann steht das Blog2Social WordPress Plugin ganz oben auf meiner Liste. Es ist für mich das Schweizer Taschenmesser unter den WordPress-Erweiterungen, wenn es um das schnelle, unkomplizierte und gleichzeitig professionelle Teilen von Blogbeiträgen auf verschiedensten Plattformen geht. Und ja, manchmal frage ich mich wirklich, wie ich meine Social-Media-Aktivitäten früher ohne Blog2Social bewältigt habe.

Schon beim ersten Blick in die Benutzeroberfläche fällt auf, wie übersichtlich das Plugin aufgebaut ist. Anstatt dich durch unendliche Menüs und Optionen zu quälen, siehst du klare Navigationspunkte, die dich gezielt dorthin führen, wo du hinmöchtest. Und das Beste daran? Ich muss nicht mehr ständig neue Tabs in meinem Browser öffnen, um meine Posts manuell anzulegen – Blog2Social erspart mir diesen ganzen Aufwand durch die Automatisierung. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass ich die Kontrolle verliere. Im Gegenteil: Ich kann exakt festlegen, was, wann und wo gepostet werden soll.

Außerdem ist Blog2Social wirklich flexibel. Ob du nun Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest oder gar Telegram bedienen möchtest – das Plugin bietet Anbindungen an eine Vielzahl von Netzwerken. Damit nicht genug: Sogar auf Google Business Profile kannst du Beiträge automatisieren, was in vielen anderen Plugins gar nicht oder nur eingeschränkt funktioniert. Während ich früher also einzelne Plugins für unterschiedliche Netzwerke verwenden musste, habe ich jetzt alles in einem Werkzeug vereint. Und das schmeckt mir als WordPress-Enthusiasten ganz besonders gut.

Ein weiteres Highlight ist der smarte Kalender, der mir direkt auf einen Blick zeigt, welche Beiträge für welche Tage geplant sind. Hier kann ich nach Herzenslust Inhalte verschieben, neue Beiträge hinzufügen oder alte Beiträge neu planen. Wenn ich also mal Lust habe, ein bestimmtes Thema mehrmals zu bewerben, nutze ich einfach die Kalenderfunktion, um es über die kommenden Wochen verteilt zu posten. Das Tolle daran: Dank Blog2Social genießt mein Content immer wieder frische Sichtbarkeit, ohne dass ich ständig daneben sitzen und alles manuell einpflegen muss.

Nicht zu vergessen ist die Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Gerade für WordPress-Neulinge kann das Hantieren mit neuen Plugins manchmal einschüchternd wirken, aber Blog2Social beweist, dass es auch anders geht. Nach der Installation gibt es eine kurze Anleitung, die alle Schritte einfach erklärt. Du klickst dich einmal durch, verbindest deine Social-Media-Konten, legst einen Zeitplan fest – und schon läuft alles. Sogar, wenn du mal keine Erfahrung in Sachen Automatisierung hast, wird dich das Plugin sanft an die Hand nehmen.

Mit diesem ersten Überblick hast du hoffentlich schon ein Gefühl dafür bekommen, was dich beim Blog2Social WordPress Plugin erwartet. In den kommenden Kapiteln gehe ich auf spezielle Features ein, erkläre die Einrichtung im Detail und teile meine persönlichen Erfahrungen und Best Practices. Also, lehn dich zurück und lass uns gemeinsam in die Tiefen dieses genialen Social-Media-Tools eintauchen!

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2. Warum ausgerechnet Blog2Social WordPress Plugin?

Tja, warum eigentlich Blog2Social und nicht irgendein anderes Plugin? Wenn ich mir diese Frage stelle, denke ich zuerst an meine ersten Versuche im Social-Media-Marketing. Ich war ständig am Rotieren: ein Post für Facebook hier, ein Tweet für Twitter dort, dann nochmal ein spezielles Format für LinkedIn… Ganz ehrlich, das hat mich irgendwann in den Wahnsinn getrieben. Genau in dieser Phase bin ich auf Blog2Social gestoßen und dachte mir: „Hey, das könnte was für mich sein!“

Mehr als nur eine Automatisierung

Wenn ich ehrlich bin, war ich anfangs ein wenig skeptisch, ob ein Plugin tatsächlich all meine Ansprüche erfüllen kann. Aber Blog2Social ist weit mehr als ein reines Automatisierungstool. Es gibt dir Feineinstellungen für jedes Netzwerk an die Hand. So kannst du zum Beispiel verschiedene Texte oder Hashtags für unterschiedliche Plattformen erstellen. LinkedIn mag es eher seriös, Twitter eher kurz und knackig, während Instagram gerne noch ein paar Emojis vertragen kann. Und all diese Anpassungen lassen sich bequem in einem Rutsch erledigen.

Zeitersparnis und Flexibilität

Ein weiterer Grund, warum ich Blog2Social WordPress Plugin liebe: die massive Zeitersparnis. Vor Blog2Social habe ich mir oft einen kompletten Tag in der Woche für Social Media reserviert. Heute lade ich einmal meinen Content hoch, richte ihn ein, und das Plugin übernimmt den Rest. Klar, ich schaue ab und zu vorbei, justiere vielleicht die Frequenz oder ergänze einen neuen Hashtag. Aber die grundsätzliche Arbeit übernimmt das Tool. So bleibt mir endlich mehr Zeit für das, was ich wirklich gerne tue: spannende Inhalte erstellen, mit meinen Lesern interagieren und neue Projekte planen.

Kontinuierliche Updates und guter Support

Nicht zu unterschätzen ist der kontinuierliche Support. Selbst wenn du mal auf eine technische Hürde stößt, wirst du selten lange auf dem Trockenen sitzen. Der Entwickler-Support von Blog2Social reagiert schnell und professionell. Zudem gibt’s regelmäßige Updates, die neue Social-Media-Netzwerke oder Funktionen hinzufügen, sodass du immer auf dem neuesten Stand bleibst. Das ist Gold wert, weil sich soziale Plattformen ja ständig weiterentwickeln und ihre Schnittstellen anpassen.

Solide Community

Last but not least ist da noch die Community. Man findet im Netz zahlreiche Erfahrungsberichte, Tutorials und auch Facebook-Gruppen, in denen sich Blog2Social-Nutzer austauschen. Gerade für WordPress-Blogger wie mich ist dieser rege Austausch hilfreich. Du kannst mal schnell nachfragen, wenn etwas nicht klappt, und in Nullkommanix meldet sich jemand mit einer Antwort oder einem Trick, den du selbst noch nicht kanntest.

Für mich ist Blog2Social also ein Rundum-sorglos-Paket. Es deckt die wichtigsten Netzwerke ab, bietet flexible Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, ist einfach zu bedienen, wird aktiv gepflegt und verfügt über eine hilfsbereite Community. Was will man mehr? Klar, Geschmäcker sind verschieden. Aber wenn du wie ich eine All-in-One-Lösung für dein Social-Media-Marketing suchst, ist Blog2Social definitiv eine ganz heiße Empfehlung.

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3. Wie funktioniert automatisiertes Social-Media-Sharing?

Das Zauberwort lautet: Automatisierung. Wenn ich an meine ersten Gehversuche im Social-Media-Dschungel zurückdenke, habe ich immer manuell Beiträge erstellt und sie dann auf die verschiedenen Plattformen kopiert. Das Problem? Es war nicht nur zeitintensiv, sondern auch repetitiv. Dann habe ich irgendwann begonnen, Tools zu nutzen, die den Prozess halb-automatisiert haben. Aber richtig zufrieden war ich erst, als ich das Blog2Social WordPress Plugin für mich entdeckt habe.

Kurz gesagt, macht Automatisierung im Content-Marketing Folgendes: Du legst einmal fest, wie, wann und wo deine Beiträge geteilt werden sollen. Anschließend durchforstet das Plugin deinen Blog und teilt automatisch neue (oder ältere) Inhalte in den zuvor definierten Netzwerken. Ob du das Ganze sofort veröffentlichst oder erst in eine Warteschlange packst, liegt ganz bei dir. Die Idee dahinter ist, dir die stumpfe Tipp- und Copy-Paste-Arbeit abzunehmen, damit du dich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren kannst: deinen Content.

Neben der Arbeitserleichterung bietet die Automatisierung aber noch einen anderen Vorteil: Einheitlichkeit. Wenn alle Posts nach einem ähnlichen Schema formatiert sind und in regelmäßigen Abständen erscheinen, wirkt dein Auftritt professioneller. Du kannst gezielt planen, wie du deine Marke präsentieren möchtest – sei es über ein einheitliches Branding, Hashtags oder Bildunterschriften. Und keine Angst, in jedem Netzwerk kannst du Feinjustierungen vornehmen, damit deine Posts eben nicht nur Copy-Paste sind. Automatisierung bedeutet also nicht, dass alles gleich aussieht, sondern vielmehr, dass du in kürzerer Zeit einheitliche und dennoch angepasste Inhalte erstellen kannst.

<a name=”subheading-3-1″></a>3.1 Automatisierte Workflows verstehen

Ein automatisierter Workflow ist nichts anderes als eine festgelegte Abfolge von Schritten, die dein Plugin für dich durchführt. Bei Blog2Social sieht das zum Beispiel so aus:

  1. Du erstellst einen neuen Blogbeitrag in WordPress.
  2. Du wählst aus, in welchen Netzwerken du den Beitrag teilen möchtest.
  3. Du definierst einen Zeitplan für das Posting.
  4. Das Plugin generiert automatisiert den Post für jedes Netzwerk.
  5. Auf Wunsch kannst du vor der Veröffentlichung noch Anpassungen vornehmen.
  6. Der Beitrag wird nach deinem festgelegten Zeitplan veröffentlicht.

Das Schöne daran: Du kannst diesen Workflow beliebig verfeinern. Vielleicht möchtest du für LinkedIn lieber einen ausführlicheren Text verwenden und für Twitter eher eine kompakte Version? Oder Instagram soll ein eigenes Bildformat bekommen? Alles kein Problem. Du definierst deine Regeln einmal, und das Plugin befolgt sie für jeden neuen Beitrag. Dadurch entsteht eine unheimliche Effizienz, die sich vor allem in einem größeren Zeitfenster für andere Aufgaben bemerkbar macht.

<a name=”subheading-3-2″></a>3.2 Warum Zeitpläne so wichtig sind

Zeitpläne spielen im Social-Media-Marketing eine immense Rolle. Manchmal ist es so, dass die beste Zeit für LinkedIn vormittags ist, während Instagram am Abend mehr Engagement erzeugt. Wenn du ohne einen Zeitplan einfach wild drauflos postest, riskierst du, dass dein Content in der Masse untergeht. Durch die Planung stellst du sicher, dass deine Beiträge zu den Hochphasen deiner Zielgruppe erscheinen.

Ich persönlich habe festgestellt, dass mein LinkedIn-Publikum eher zwischen 9 und 11 Uhr aktiv ist, während Facebook bei mir abends mehr Interaktionen hervorbringt. Mit einem guten Zeitplan kannst du diese Unterschiede optimal ausnutzen. Du musst nicht einmal parallel am Rechner sitzen – Blog2Social übernimmt das für dich. Du teilst deine Inhalte also genau dann, wenn deine Community bereit ist, sie zu konsumieren. Das kann die Engagement-Rate und die Reichweite maßgeblich steigern.

Automatisiertes Social-Media-Sharing ist also nicht bloß ein Nice-to-have, sondern in meinen Augen eine essenzielle Strategie, um effizient und professionell zu wachsen. Blog2Social bildet dabei ein Rundum-sorglos-Paket, mit dem du sowohl die Technik als auch die Planung in den Griff bekommst. So wird das Social-Media-Marketing vom lästigen Zeitfresser zum kraftvollen Motor für deinen Blog.

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4. Installation und Einrichtung in wenigen Schritten

Wenn du WordPress schon eine Weile nutzt, weißt du vermutlich, dass Plugins im Handumdrehen installiert sind. Blog2Social macht da keine Ausnahme. Falls du aber noch Neuling bist oder es ganz genau wissen möchtest, erkläre ich dir hier Schritt für Schritt, wie du das Blog2Social WordPress Plugin zum Laufen bringst.

  1. Plugin-Suche: Logge dich in dein WordPress-Dashboard ein. Navigiere zu „Plugins“ > „Installieren“. Gib ins Suchfeld „Blog2Social“ ein. In den Suchergebnissen sollte Blog2Social direkt auftauchen.
  2. Installation: Klicke auf „Jetzt installieren“. WordPress lädt das Plugin herunter und installiert es automatisch für dich.
  3. Aktivierung: Nach der Installation erscheint ein Button „Aktivieren“. Klick drauf und schwuppdiwupp ist das Plugin einsatzbereit.
  4. Erste Konfiguration: Du wirst wahrscheinlich in einen Einrichtungsassistenten geleitet, der dir die grundsätzlichen Schritte erklärt. Folge den Anweisungen, um deine Social-Media-Konten zu verbinden.
  5. Berechtigungen: Je nach Netzwerk wirst du aufgefordert, Blog2Social Zugriff zu gewähren. Keine Sorge, es ist nur der Zugriff, um Beiträge zu posten oder Kontoinformationen auszulesen.
  6. Fertig: Sobald alle Konten verknüpft sind, kannst du loslegen.

Das war’s auch schon im Groben. Klar, in der Praxis wirst du den einen oder anderen Klick mehr machen, um deine Netzwerke exakt einzurichten oder spezielle Formate zu wählen. Doch der Assistent ist wirklich selbsterklärend und leitet dich sanft durch den Prozess. Vergiss nicht, dein erstes Posting zu testen, um sicherzugehen, dass alles funktioniert.

Wenn du bereits unzählige Plugins installiert hast, weißt du, dass es manchmal zu Kompatibilitätsproblemen kommen kann. Doch in meiner Erfahrung läuft Blog2Social recht stabil. Und wenn doch mal etwas haken sollte, meldet es sich meist mit klaren Fehlermeldungen, sodass du den Support kontaktieren oder in den FAQ nachlesen kannst. Aber dazu später mehr. Für den Moment kannst du dich freuen, dass die Installation und Einrichtung meist ruckzuck durchlaufen und du schon bald mit der Automatisierung beginnen kannst.

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5. Konfiguration der Netzwerke: Von Facebook bis Pinterest

Sobald das Blog2Social WordPress Plugin installiert ist, fängt der Spaß eigentlich erst richtig an. Denn jetzt kannst du festlegen, in welchen Netzwerken du aktiv sein möchtest und wie genau deine Posts aussehen sollen. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Medium – die Liste ist beeindruckend lang. Ich selbst war baff, als ich gesehen habe, wie viele Plattformen Blog2Social unterstützt.

Bei jeder Plattform gibt’s in Blog2Social ein eigenes Einstellungsmenü. Du kannst zum Beispiel:

  • Deine Konten hinzufügen und verwalten
  • Festlegen, ob du Beiträge auf einer persönlichen Seite, einer Unternehmensseite oder in einer Gruppe teilen möchtest
  • Unterschiedliche Texte und Bildformate für jedes Netzwerk anpassen
  • Timing und Frequenz je nach Netzwerk bestimmen

Gerade für Pinterest ist es interessant, dass du nicht nur ein Bild hochladen kannst, sondern gleich mehrere Pins planen könntest. Für Instagram wiederum kannst du Bildunterschriften mit Hashtags anreichern. So stellst du sicher, dass du wirklich das Maximum aus jeder Plattform herauskitzelst.

Die Konfiguration erfordert anfangs ein wenig Zeit, doch die lohnt sich. Wenn erst einmal alles eingestellt ist, läuft es reibungslos. Ich empfehle, dir wirklich die Zeit zu nehmen, um die Besonderheiten jedes Netzwerks zu verstehen und in Blog2Social abzubilden. Hast du zum Beispiel eine bestimmte Hashtag-Strategie für Instagram? Dann hinterleg sie doch direkt in den Vorlagen! Willst du auf LinkedIn längere Texte veröffentlichen? Leg diese Formatierung fix an. So stellst du sicher, dass deine Posts auf allen Plattformen nicht nur geteilt werden, sondern auch optimal aufbereitet sind.

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6. Blog2Social WordPress Plugin im Detail: Alle Features auf einen Blick

Hier möchte ich einmal alle wichtigen Features des Blog2Social WordPress Plugin in den Fokus rücken, damit du einen Überblick bekommst, was das Tool alles auf dem Kasten hat. Denn Blog2Social kann mehr, als man vielleicht auf den ersten Blick vermuten würde.

  1. Automatische Veröffentlichung: Du erstellst einen neuen Beitrag in WordPress, und Blog2Social kümmert sich um die Distribution auf allen verbundenen Kanälen.
  2. Manuelle Feinanpassung: Keine Copy-Paste-Flut! Du kannst für jedes Netzwerk einen individuellen Text, andere Hashtags oder ein spezielles Bild einrichten.
  3. Kalenderansicht: Ein großartiger Überblick, welche Beiträge wann und auf welchem Kanal geplant sind. Du kannst sie einfach per Drag & Drop verschieben.
  4. Mehrere Konten pro Netzwerk: Perfekt, wenn du mehrere Facebook-Seiten oder Twitter-Accounts verwaltest.
  5. Automatisiertes Re-Sharing: Ältere Beiträge können erneut gepostet werden, um ihnen neues Leben einzuhauchen.
  6. Hashtag-Manager: Du kannst Hashtags definieren, die dann automatisch in jedem Post erscheinen (sofern du das willst).
  7. Individuelle Zeitpläne: Du kannst beispielsweise festlegen, dass neue Beiträge immer sofort auf Twitter gepostet, aber erst am nächsten Tag auf LinkedIn geteilt werden.
  8. SEO-Integration: Blog2Social greift auf deine Beitragsdaten zu, inklusive SEO-Titel und Meta-Beschreibung. So wird dein Social-Media-Posting stets optimal vorbereitet.
  9. Team-Funktionen: In einigen Tarifen kannst du mehrere Nutzer anlegen, damit dein Team gemeinsam an den Beiträgen arbeiten kann.
  10. Integration mit gängigen Tools: Blog2Social kooperiert reibungslos mit WooCommerce, Gutenberg, Elementor und vielen weiteren WordPress-Plugins.

Diese Feature-Liste zeigt, dass Blog2Social weit mehr ist als ein Automatisierungs-Tool. Es ist ein echtes Social-Media-Cockpit, mit dem du praktisch alles unter einem Dach verwalten kannst. Für mich persönlich ist vor allem die Kalenderansicht ein Segen. Ich liebe es, meine Woche oder gar den ganzen Monat im Voraus zu planen und zu sehen, wann welcher Content rausgeht. So kann ich in Ruhe meine Posts vorbereiten und mich dann auf andere Aufgaben konzentrieren.

Darüber hinaus ist mir die Funktion des automatisierten Re-Sharings ans Herz gewachsen. Ein älterer Blogbeitrag kann durchaus immer wieder neue Leser finden. Warum also nicht alle paar Wochen oder Monate mal einen „Evergreen“-Artikel neu teilen? Mit Blog2Social geht das ganz einfach. Man markiert den Beitrag, plant ihn neu ein – und zack, schon wandert er wieder in die Feeds meiner Follower.

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7. Einstellungen für individuelle Posting-Formate

Kennst du dieses Gefühl, wenn du einen Blogbeitrag automatisiert auf Facebook und Twitter teilst, aber bemerkst, dass die Texte identisch sind? Klar, es ist bequem, aber jede Plattform hat ihre eigenen Vorlieben. Auf Twitter sind Hashtags und Kürze Trumpf, während Facebook lieber einen etwas längeren Teaser erlaubt. LinkedIn hingegen liebt professionellere Texte und Instagram lebt von knackigen Captions und bunten Emojis.

Genau deswegen sind individuelle Posting-Formate so wichtig. Blog2Social macht es dir leicht, für jedes Netzwerk eine angepasste Version deines Posts zu erstellen. Du kannst zum Beispiel:

  • Text: für Twitter kürzen, für LinkedIn ausweiten
  • Hashtags: für Instagram mehr Hashtags einfügen, für Facebook weniger
  • Bilder: ein quadratisches Format für Instagram und ein Panoramaformat für Twitter verwenden
  • Handles: auf Twitter andere Accounts erwähnen, die es auf LinkedIn so nicht gibt

All diese Feinheiten kannst du in Blog2Social im Voraus einstellen. Einmal eingerichtet, werden deine Posts für neue Beiträge automatisch so erstellt, dass sie zu den jeweiligen Plattformen passen. Ich persönlich habe mir sogar einen kleinen Pool an vorgefertigten Textbausteinen angelegt, die ich bei Bedarf anpassen und einfügen kann. Das spart mir noch mehr Zeit und verleiht meinen Posts das gewisse Etwas, sodass sie nicht wie eine Massenkopie wirken.

Wenn du dir erst mal die Mühe machst, für jedes Netzwerk eine eigene Vorlage zu bauen, wirst du sehen, wieviel professioneller und ansprechender deine Posts wirken. Deine Follower merken schnell, wenn ein Beitrag speziell für sie und ihre Plattform gestaltet wurde. Das führt oft zu mehr Interaktionen, Kommentaren und Klicks. Also scheue dich nicht, ein paar Minuten in die Erstellung deiner individuellen Formate zu investieren. Auf lange Sicht zahlt sich das definitiv aus.

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8. Planung und Scheduling: Timing ist alles

Oft wird der Zeitpunkt, an dem du deinen Beitrag teilst, stark unterschätzt. Dabei kann er über Erfolg oder Misserfolg einer Social-Media-Kampagne entscheiden. Wenn du deine Beiträge ungünstig timst – zum Beispiel mitten in der Nacht oder während typischer Arbeitsspitzen – läufst du Gefahr, in der Timeline deiner Follower unterzugehen. Hier kommt das Scheduling ins Spiel, bei dem Blog2Social eine große Hilfe ist.

<a name=”subheading-8-1″></a>8.1 Optimale Posting-Zeiten finden?

Die beste Posting-Zeit ist natürlich stark abhängig von deiner Zielgruppe und Plattform. Studien geben zwar oft pauschale Empfehlungen: Morgens zwischen 7 und 9 Uhr, mittags zur Lunchpause, abends zwischen 18 und 20 Uhr. Aber schau dir am besten deine eigenen Analytics an: Wann reagieren deine Follower am meisten? Wann bekommst du die meisten Likes, Shares oder Kommentare?

Blog2Social erlaubt es dir, nicht nur einen generellen Zeitplan für alle Netzwerke festzulegen, sondern spezifische Zeiten pro Netzwerk zu konfigurieren. Hast du herausgefunden, dass deine Facebook-Follower vor allem nach Feierabend aktiv sind? Dann plane deine Beiträge eben für 19 Uhr. Twitter ist eher ein „Sofort-Medium“? Dann verteile deine Posts über den Tag. Instagram-Liebhaber sind für dich samstags erreichbar? Perfekt, setze deinen Hauptpost für den Samstag. Die Flexibilität im Plugin ermöglicht es, alle diese Szenarien individuell abzubilden.

<a name=”subheading-8-2″></a>8.2 Wiederkehrende Beiträge planen

Ein weiteres nützliches Feature ist das Wiederholen von Beiträgen. Wenn du einen Evergreen-Artikel hast, der auch nach Monaten noch relevant ist, wieso nicht regelmäßig neu teilen? Du kannst in Blog2Social einstellen, dass alle paar Wochen oder Monate ein bestimmter Artikel erneut veröffentlicht wird. Das hält deinen Content frisch, spart dir Aufwand und sorgt dafür, dass neue Follower deinen alten, aber wertvollen Content entdecken können.

In meiner Erfahrung lohnt es sich, gerade bei zeitlosen Ratgebern oder beliebten Interviews immer mal wieder eine Neuveröffentlichung zu planen. Ich greife dann gerne auf den Blog2Social-Kalender zurück und verteile die Wiederholungen strategisch über mehrere Wochen. So wirkt es nicht spammy, sondern wie eine Erinnerung an wertvolle Inhalte. Gerade bei einem stetig wachsenden Publikum kann das Wunder wirken, weil neue Leser deine alten Beiträge oft gar nicht kennen.

Timing ist eben nicht nur eine Zahl auf der Uhr, sondern auch eine Strategie. Wer versteht, wann seine Community aktiv ist, kann mehr Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen und seine Inhalte gezielt promoten. Und genau hierbei glänzt Blog2Social mit seinen umfangreichen Scheduling-Optionen. Es nimmt dir die Arbeit ab, ständig selbst den Überblick zu behalten, und lässt dich dennoch jederzeit alle Fäden in der Hand halten. So macht Social-Media-Marketing richtig Spaß.

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9. Die Bedeutung von Hashtags, Handles & Co.

Hashtags, Handles und andere Markierungen sind im Social-Media-Marketing fast so etwas wie das Salz in der Suppe. Ohne sie schmeckt der Content oft fad, weil er in der Masse untergeht. Mit ihnen jedoch kannst du gezielt Themen hervorheben, Gesprächspartner taggen und deine Reichweite steigern. Blog2Social macht es dir einfach, diese Markierungen systematisch zu nutzen.

  • Hashtags: Mit Hashtags erreichst du Menschen, die gezielt nach bestimmten Themen suchen. Gerade auf Twitter, Instagram und LinkedIn sind sie Gold wert. Mit Blog2Social kannst du Hashtags global definieren, die automatisch in jedem deiner Posts eingefügt werden sollen. Oder du gibst sie individuell ein, wenn du jeden Post anpassen möchtest.
  • Handles: Möchtest du eine bestimmte Person oder Marke erwähnen? Dann markiere sie mit ihrem @Handle. Das steigert die Chance auf Interaktionen enorm, weil der erwähnte Nutzer eine Benachrichtigung bekommt. Aber Vorsicht, nicht in jedes Netzwerk passt dieselbe Syntax. Bei Twitter verwendest du zum Beispiel @Handle, auf LinkedIn funktioniert das Erwähnen anders.
  • Lokale und Trend-Hashtags: Schau dir an, welche Hashtags gerade im Trend sind oder für deine Nische relevant sind. Füge sie passgenau ein. Aber übertreibe es nicht mit der Quantität.
  • Kontinuierliche Optimierung: Was heute angesagt ist, kann morgen schon wieder Schnee von gestern sein. Überprüfe regelmäßig deine Hashtag-Strategie.

Ich habe festgestellt, dass gut gesetzte Hashtags einen merklichen Einfluss auf meine Reichweite haben können. Blog2Social sorgt dafür, dass ich sie nicht vergesse, indem ich mir eigene Template-Abschnitte für bestimmte Netzwerke anlege. Sobald ich einen Beitrag plane, wirft Blog2Social mir diese Template-Vorschläge aus. Ich muss sie nur noch annehmen oder manuell überarbeiten. Das spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern macht meinen Content auch konsistenter.

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10. Content-Recycling leicht gemacht

Kennst du das Gefühl? Du hast ewig an einem hochwertigen Blogartikel gesessen, ihn dann veröffentlichst – und nach einer Woche spricht kein Mensch mehr darüber. Das ist frustrierend, oder? Genau hier kommt Content-Recycling ins Spiel. Blog2Social kann dir helfen, ältere, aber immer noch relevante Beiträge erneut ins Rampenlicht zu rücken.

Stell dir vor, du hast einen Evergreen-Artikel über die besten WordPress-Sicherheitsplugins geschrieben. Neue Follower oder Blogbesucher haben diesen Artikel noch nie gesehen, wenn du ihn nicht regelmäßig erwähnst. Mit Blog2Social kannst du:

  1. Ältere Beiträge in den Kalender legen: Einfach das Veröffentlichungsdatum in Blog2Social ändern, und der Artikel geht erneut in die Social-Media-Schleife.
  2. Leicht veränderte Texte verwenden: Du musst nicht immer denselben Wortlaut nutzen. Passe die Überschrift, den Call-to-Action oder Hashtags an. So fühlt sich der Post frisch an.
  3. Verschiedene Formate testen: Vielleicht teilst du den Artikel diesmal als Bild mit Kurztext, beim nächsten Mal als längeren Text, ein anderes Mal als Video-Teaser.
  4. Mehrkanalstrategie: Teile den älteren Beitrag jetzt vielleicht nicht nur auf Facebook, sondern auch auf Pinterest, LinkedIn oder Instagram.

Das Schöne am Content-Recycling ist: Du nutzt deinen vorhandenen Schatz an Artikeln und sparst dir einiges an Zeit für die Neuerstellung von Content. Natürlich solltest du es nicht übertreiben und deine Follower mit ewig wiederholten Posts nerven. Aber in Maßen eingesetzt, ist Re-Sharing eine super Taktik, um deine Inhalte über längere Zeit hinweg zu promoten. Blog2Social bietet dir alle Werkzeuge, um das bequem umzusetzen. Dank dem integrierten Kalender siehst du auf einen Blick, welcher Content wieder an der Reihe ist und wann du ihn erneut teilen solltest.

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11. Statistiken und Analytics: Erfolgsmessung deiner Posts

Du hast unzählige Posts automatisiert geteilt, neue Hashtags ausprobiert und die besten Zeiten recherchiert. Doch wie findest du jetzt heraus, ob das alles wirklich etwas gebracht hat? Klar, du könntest auf jeder Plattform einzeln nachschauen. Aber Blog2Social liefert dir eine solide Grundausstattung an Statistiken und Analytics direkt im Dashboard.

Hier kannst du unter anderem sehen:

  • Wie oft deine Beiträge geklickt wurden
  • Wie viele Likes und Shares sie erhalten haben
  • Welche Netzwerke besonders erfolgreich waren

Diese Daten sind Gold wert, weil sie dir helfen, deine Strategie laufend anzupassen. Wenn du merkst, dass LinkedIn für dich am effektivsten ist, kannst du dort mehr Ressourcen investieren. Erkenntnisse über eine geringe Resonanz auf Twitter könnten dich dazu bringen, deinen Ansatz für diese Plattform zu überdenken.

Natürlich sind die internen Blog2Social-Analytics eher eine grobe Übersicht, aber sie genügen oft, um erste Trends zu erkennen. Für tiefgehende Analysen kannst du immer noch externe Tools wie Google Analytics oder die Insights der jeweiligen Plattformen hinzuziehen. Aber Blog2Social sorgt dafür, dass du schnell und einfach einen aktuellen Status hast, ohne dich in zahlreichen Browser-Tabs zu verlieren.

In meiner Praxis bedeutet das, dass ich einmal pro Woche ins Analytics-Dashboard von Blog2Social schaue. Ich prüfe, welche Posts am besten angekommen sind, welche Plattformen ich eventuell stärken sollte und ob ich neue Ideen für Hashtags, Bildformate oder Posting-Zeiten ausprobieren will. Diese kontinuierliche Verbesserung ist der Schlüssel, um langfristig erfolgreich zu sein. Und genau das macht Blog2Social so wertvoll für mich: Es ist nicht nur ein automatisiertes Tool, sondern auch ein Wegweiser, wohin meine Content-Strategie noch führen sollte.

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12. Fehlerbehebung und Troubleshooting

Selbst das beste Plugin kann mal zicken – das ist leider die Wahrheit im WordPress-Universum. Auch Blog2Social ist nicht immun gegen gelegentliche Fehler. Aber keine Sorge, oft sind es nur Kleinigkeiten, die sich schnell beheben lassen. Hier sind ein paar typische Probleme und wie du sie lösen kannst:

  1. Verbindungsfehler mit einem Netzwerk: Manchmal fordert Facebook, LinkedIn oder Twitter eine erneute Authentifizierung. Gehe einfach in deine Blog2Social-Einstellungen, logge dich erneut ein, und das Problem ist meist gelöst.
  2. Beiträge werden nicht veröffentlicht: Eventuell gibt es einen Konflikt mit einem anderen Plugin, das deine Posts blockiert oder einen Cron-Job stört. Deaktiviere testweise andere Plugins und schau, ob Blog2Social wieder korrekt läuft.
  3. Falsche Zeitzone: Achte darauf, dass deine WordPress-Zeitzone korrekt eingestellt ist. Wenn die Zeitzone nicht stimmt, kann dein Beitrag mitten in der Nacht veröffentlicht werden.
  4. Eingeschränkte API: Manche Social-Media-Plattformen ändern regelmäßig ihre Schnittstellen. Halte Blog2Social daher auf dem neuesten Stand, damit alle APIs reibungslos funktionieren.
  5. Bildprobleme: Manchmal werden Bilder nicht korrekt angezeigt. Prüfe, ob du das richtige Format (z.B. JPG oder PNG) verwendest und ob die Bildgröße den Vorgaben der Plattform entspricht.

In vielen Fällen genügt ein Blick in die Dokumentation, die FAQ oder eine kurze Google-Suche, um das Problem zu lösen. Der Kundensupport von Blog2Social ist ebenfalls recht flink und hilfsbereit. Und wenn gar nichts mehr geht, sind Community-Foren oft eine Fundgrube, um auf ähnliche Fälle zu stoßen und deren Lösungswege zu übernehmen. In meiner Erfahrung sind die meisten Fehler jedoch recht einfach zu beheben, sobald man weiß, wo man suchen muss.

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13. Sicherheit und Kompatibilität mit anderen Plugins

Als WordPress-Nutzer mache ich mir immer Gedanken um die Sicherheit. Schließlich möchte ich meine Daten und auch die meiner Besucher schützen. Bei Blog2Social musst du keine großen Bedenken haben, solange du einige Grundregeln beachtest:

  • Regelmäßige Updates: Halte Blog2Social stets aktuell. Viele Bugs und Sicherheitslücken werden durch Updates geschlossen.
  • Starke Passwörter: Wenn du deine Social-Media-Konten verbindest, nutze sichere Passwörter und aktiviere Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung, wenn möglich.
  • Kompatibilitätsprüfung: Solltest du ein ungewöhnliches Setup haben oder sehr viele Plugins im Einsatz, lohnt es sich, Blog2Social zunächst in einer Staging-Umgebung zu testen.

In Bezug auf die Kompatibilität ist Blog2Social ziemlich robust. Ich habe es zusammen mit SEO-Plugins wie Yoast oder Rank Math, Cache-Plugins wie WP Rocket und diversen Page-Buildern wie Elementor laufen. Bisher keine nennenswerten Konflikte. Dennoch kann es immer mal vorkommen, dass einige Funktionen sich gegenseitig beeinflussen. Typischerweise sind das jedoch Fälle, die sich relativ einfach mit einer Einstellung hier oder da beheben lassen. Ein kurzer Blick in die Foren oder ein Hilfeschrei beim Support genügen meist, und das Problem ist passé.

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14. Best Practices für mehr Reichweite

So, du hast Blog2Social installiert, eingerichtet und deine Netzwerke verknüpft. Doch wie holst du jetzt das Maximum an Reichweite raus? Hier ein paar Best Practices, die ich im Laufe der Zeit gesammelt habe:

  1. Konsistenz: Poste regelmäßig, aber überflute deine Kanäle nicht. Lieber kontinuierlich und durchdacht statt wahllos und in Massen.
  2. Visuals: Nutze auffällige Bilder, GIFs oder kurze Videos. Visuelle Inhalte ziehen meist mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf sich.
  3. Call-to-Action: Fordere deine Follower auf, zu kommentieren, zu liken oder eine Frage zu beantworten. Engagement führt zu einer besseren Sichtbarkeit in den Feeds.
  4. Hashtags gezielt nutzen: 2–3 relevante Hashtags pro Post sind oft effektiver als eine endlose Liste.
  5. Mehrwert bieten: Teile Inhalte, die informieren, inspirieren oder unterhalten. Niemand mag platte Werbung.
  6. Feedback berücksichtigen: Beobachte die Reaktionen, probiere neue Formate, analysiere deine Blog2Social-Statistiken und bleibe flexibel.

Gerade der letzte Punkt ist enorm wichtig. Social Media ist ein ständiger Lernprozess. Was heute funktioniert, kann morgen schon wieder veraltet sein. Doch mit Blog2Social im Rücken kannst du schnell neue Strategien testen und dabei eine Menge Zeit sparen. Wenn du kontinuierlich an deiner Content-Qualität und deiner Posting-Strategie arbeitest, wirst du langfristig Erfolg haben – und zwar unabhängig davon, ob deine Zielgruppe eher auf Facebook, Instagram oder LinkedIn unterwegs ist.

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15. Praxisbeispiele: Wie ich Blog2Social täglich nutze

Kommen wir zu meinen ganz persönlichen Erfahrungen: Wie nutze ich das Blog2Social WordPress Plugin in meinem Alltag? Da ich mehrmals pro Woche neue Beiträge veröffentliche, war es mir wichtig, einen echten Automationsfluss zu haben:

  1. Vorbereitung: Ich erstelle meinen Blogbeitrag, füge Bilder ein, optimiere ihn für SEO und lege die Meta-Daten fest.
  2. Blog2Social-Planung: Direkt nach dem Speichern öffne ich die Blog2Social-Maske und wähle aus, auf welchen Plattformen ich posten möchte.
  3. Textanpassungen: Da ich weiß, dass LinkedIn mehr Text verträgt als Twitter, schreibe ich für LinkedIn einen ausführlicheren Teaser, füge ein paar Hashtags hinzu und markiere ein, zwei Branchenkollegen. Für Twitter nutze ich kurze, knackige Sätze und setze relevante Handles. Für Instagram gibt’s eine buntere Caption mit Emojis und mehr Hashtags.
  4. Zeitplan festlegen: Ich lege fest, dass der Beitrag sofort auf Twitter erscheint (wegen der Echtzeit-Natur der Plattform), aber erst morgen früh auf LinkedIn, wenn meine dortige Zielgruppe aktiver ist.
  5. Kalenderüberblick: In der Kalenderansicht sehe ich, dass ich noch ein paar Lücken habe. Also plane ich fürs Wochenende vielleicht einen älteren Beitrag ein, der zum Thema passt.
  6. Veröffentlichung und Kontrolle: Alles fertig? Dann bestätige ich das Ganze und Blog2Social legt los. Ich schaue gelegentlich in die Statistiken, ob alles geklappt hat und notiere mir, was gut lief und was nicht.

So nutze ich das Plugin Tag für Tag. Der große Vorteil für mich liegt in der Flexibilität und der Zeitersparnis. Früher hätte ich mich in jedem Netzwerk einzeln einloggen müssen, Titel und Link rauskopieren, Bilder hochladen und so weiter. Jetzt ist das ein einziger Workflow direkt in WordPress. Und wenn ein Beitrag mal nicht klappt, sehe ich es sofort und kann nachjustieren.

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16. Tipps für SEO und Social Media

Wie hängen SEO und Social Media eigentlich zusammen? Die beiden Bereiche unterstützen sich gegenseitig. Wenn deine Beiträge in den sozialen Medien geteilt und geklickt werden, steigt oft auch der Traffic auf deiner Webseite. Mehr Traffic kann zu besseren SEO-Rankings führen, wenn deine Inhalte überzeugen. Umgekehrt hilft dir eine gute SEO, um in den Google-Suchergebnissen gefunden zu werden, was dir wiederum neue Follower in den sozialen Netzwerken bringen kann. Hier ein paar Tipps, wie du beides verbinden kannst:

  1. SEO-freundliche Überschriften: Nutze im Blogbeitrag relevante Keywords, die du auch in den Social-Media-Posts erwähnst.
  2. Meta-Beschreibungen: Blog2Social greift oft automatisch auf deine Meta-Beschreibung zurück. Stell also sicher, dass diese spannend ist.
  3. Social Snippets: Verwende ansprechende Open-Graph-Tags, damit die Vorschau deiner Beiträge auf Facebook, Twitter & Co. gut aussieht.
  4. Interne Links: Wenn du von deinen alten Beiträgen auf neue verweist (und umgekehrt), kann das nicht nur SEO stärken, sondern auch Follower länger auf deiner Seite halten.
  5. Keyword-basierte Hashtags: Such dir Hashtags, die nicht nur trendy sind, sondern auch zu deinem Kernthema passen. Das hilft, themenaffine User zu erreichen.

Ein Tipp, den ich besonders hilfreich finde: Integriere deine wichtigsten Keywords in die Social-Media-Posts, vor allem, wenn du sie recycelst oder wiederholst. So sorgst du für eine konsistente Keyword-Strategie, die sich sowohl auf SEO als auch auf Social Media auswirkt. Im Idealfall erkennen die Menschen so immer wieder, wofür du stehst, und das stärkt deine Markenidentität in beiden Bereichen.

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17. Vergleich mit anderen Social-Media-Plugins

Natürlich ist Blog2Social nicht das einzige Social-Media-Plugin auf dem Markt. Es gibt Hootsuite, Buffer, Jetpack Publicize und viele andere Tools, die einen ähnlichen Zweck erfüllen. Warum also Blog2Social?

  • Integration: Im Gegensatz zu externen Tools wie Hootsuite oder Buffer ist Blog2Social nahtlos in WordPress eingebettet. Du musst deine Beiträge nicht erst woanders hochladen oder importieren.
  • Individualisierung: Viele Tools erlauben zwar das Planen, aber nicht immer eine so feingliedrige Anpassung pro Netzwerk.
  • Preis/Leistung: Für kleinere Blogs reicht oft die kostenlose Version von Blog2Social. Wenn du mehr Funktionen brauchst, gibt es verschiedene Premium-Varianten.
  • Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Wer einmal Blog2Social benutzt hat, merkt schnell, dass die Lernkurve relativ niedrig ist.

Hootsuite und Buffer sind großartig, wenn du mehrere Plattformen auf Team-Ebene managen willst und kein Problem damit hast, außerhalb von WordPress zu arbeiten. Jetpack Publicize ist für einfaches Auto-Sharing nett, bietet aber bei weitem nicht die Vielfalt an Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Letztlich hängt die Wahl des Tools natürlich von deinen individuellen Bedürfnissen ab. Ich persönlich schätze an Blog2Social, dass ich meinen gesamten Workflow in WordPress abbilden kann und nicht andauernd wechseln muss.

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18. Tabellarische Übersicht: Blog2Social vs. Alternativen

Um dir einen schnellen Überblick zu verschaffen, habe ich hier eine kleine Tabelle vorbereitet, die die wichtigsten Kriterien von Blog2Social und zwei anderen gängigen Tools vergleicht:

IntegrationDirekte WordPress-IntegrationExterne PlattformExterne Plattform
Individuelle FormateJa (pro Netzwerk anpassbar)Eingeschränkt (kostenpflichtige Pläne mit mehr Optionen)Eingeschränkt (kostenpflichtige Pläne nötig)
KalenderfunktionAusführlicher Kalender in WordPressJa, in Hootsuite-InterfaceJa, aber eher basic
Team-FunktionJa (in Premium-Paketen)Sehr ausgereift, ideal für AgenturenTeam-Funktionen in höheren Plänen
KostenKostenlose Basisversion + Premium-TarifeGratis-Einstieg, aber leistungsfähige Pläne teuerBasisversion kostenlos, Premium-Upgrade möglich
BenutzerfreundlichkeitSehr einfach, besonders für WordPress-UserGewisse Einarbeitung nötigEinfach, aber eingeschränkter Funktionsumfang
SupportSchneller E-Mail-Support + ForumSupport nur in kostenpflichtigen TarifenE-Mail-Support in Premium-Plänen

Diese Tabelle verdeutlicht die Unterschiede recht gut. Blog2Social punktet vor allem durch die direkte WordPress-Integration und die umfangreichen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten. Hootsuite ist zwar mächtig, dafür jedoch komplexer und teurer, wenn du alle Features willst. Buffer ist ein Leichtgewicht mit geringerem Funktionsumfang, kann aber für Nutzer mit einfachen Bedürfnissen durchaus reichen.

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19. Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs)

1. Ist Blog2Social auch für Anfänger geeignet?
Absolut! Die Benutzeroberfläche ist intuitiv aufgebaut, und es gibt einen Einrichtungsassistenten, der dich Schritt für Schritt begleitet. Ich würde behaupten, jeder WordPress-Nutzer kommt damit rasch zurecht.

2. Kann ich mit Blog2Social mehrere Social-Media-Konten pro Netzwerk verwalten?
Ja, in den Premium-Versionen kannst du mehrere Profile, Seiten und Gruppen pro Netzwerk hinzufügen. Das ist besonders nützlich, wenn du verschiedene Brands oder Kundenseiten betreust.

3. Brauche ich zwingend die Premium-Version, um Blog2Social sinnvoll zu nutzen?
Nein. Die kostenlose Version deckt bereits viele Basisfunktionen ab, wie automatisiertes Teilen und das Festlegen individueller Einstellungen. Jedoch sind manche Pro-Features (z.B. Kalenderansicht, Team-Funktionen) nur in den Premium-Tarifen verfügbar.

4. Wie wirkt sich Blog2Social auf die SEO meiner Webseite aus?
Indirekt positiv, weil mehr Social Shares meist mehr Traffic bedeuten. Mehr Traffic und Interaktionen können sich wiederum langfristig auf deine SEO-Rankings auswirken. Allerdings ersetzt Blog2Social keine solide On-Page- und Off-Page-Optimierung.

5. Kann ich ältere Beiträge automatisch erneut teilen?
Ja, Blog2Social bietet eine Funktion zum Re-Sharing älterer Beiträge. Du kannst sie manuell planen oder automatisch wiederholen lassen, je nach deinen Vorlieben.

6. Welche sozialen Netzwerke werden unterstützt?
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Medium, Telegram, Google Business Profile und viele mehr. Die Anzahl der unterstützten Netzwerke kann sich mit Updates noch erweitern.

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20. Fazit: Blog2Social WordPress Plugin als dein ultimativer Helfer

Puh, wir haben nun einen riesigen Streifzug durch die Funktionen, Vorteile und Tricks des Blog2Social WordPress Plugin hinter uns – und ich hoffe, du konntest einiges für dich mitnehmen. Wenn ich mein Fazit in einem Satz zusammenfassen sollte, würde ich sagen: Blog2Social ist für mich das Rundum-sorglos-Paket, wenn es um automatisiertes und zugleich individuelles Social-Media-Sharing direkt aus WordPress heraus geht.

Mit wenigen Klicks hast du deine Konten verknüpft, einen Zeitplan erstellt und kannst dich entspannt zurücklehnen, während Blog2Social die Schwerarbeit für dich übernimmt. Ob du nun ein kleiner Blogger bist, der nur einmal die Woche einen neuen Beitrag online stellt, oder ein größeres Team managst – das Plugin bringt dir in jedem Fall mehr Struktur, weniger Stress und letztendlich auch eine gesteigerte Reichweite.

Natürlich gibt es Alternativen wie Hootsuite oder Buffer. Aber sobald du den Komfort einer direkten WordPress-Integration und die umfangreichen Anpassungsoptionen von Blog2Social genießt, wirst du schnell merken, warum dieses Plugin eine so begeisterte Fangemeinde hat. Für mich persönlich ist Blog2Social aus dem Arbeitsalltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Und ich glaube, wenn du es einmal ausprobiert hast, wirst du sehen, dass sich auch für dich neue Horizonte auftun.

Also, worauf wartest du noch? Schnapp dir das Plugin, wirf einen Blick in die Einstellungen und leg los. Ich bin mir sicher, dass du schon bald nicht mehr verstehst, wie du deine Social-Media-Posts vorher überhaupt bewältigt hast. Viel Erfolg und lass mich gerne wissen, wie es dir mit Blog2Social ergeht!<br>

Du willst noch mehr Tipps oder hast Fragen? Dann poste sie gern in den Kommentaren oder schreib mir direkt – ich helfe dir gerne weiter.

Neuer Beitrag

das ist ein Test. Der Beitrag soll am richtigen Zeichen abgeschnitten werden. Daher werden wir diesen Satz jetzt abschließen und testen, was blog2Social damit macht. das ist ein Test. Der Beitrag soll am richtigen Zeichen abgeschnitten werden. Daher werden wir diesen Satz jetzt abschließen und testen, was blog2Social damit macht.

Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) Trends in Data Centers

Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is a metric used to measure the energy efficiency of data centers. It compares the total amount of energy consumed by the data center to the energy consumed by the IT equipment alone. PUE is calculated by dividing the total building energy usage by the energy used by the IT equipment. A PUE score of 1.0 is considered perfect, indicating that all energy is used solely by IT equipment with no energy lost to cooling or other building infrastructure.

As data centers continue to grow in importance and scale, the focus on improving energy efficiency has never been more crucial. Over the years, several trends in PUE have emerged, reflecting advances in technology and shifts in industry priorities.

1. Increased Adoption of Advanced Cooling Technologies

One of the main areas of focus in improving PUE is cooling. Data centers generate a significant amount of heat, and cooling systems account for a large portion of the energy consumption. Over the past decade, there has been a noticeable trend toward more efficient cooling methods, such as liquid cooling and evaporative cooling systems, which can reduce the overall energy consumption. As these technologies become more affordable and widely adopted, we are likely to see further improvements in PUE scores.

2. Green Energy and Sustainability Initiatives

With the growing concern over climate change and carbon footprints, data centers are increasingly turning to renewable energy sources to power their operations. Many major tech companies have committed to running their data centers on 100% renewable energy. This shift toward green energy can have a positive impact on PUE, as it reduces the environmental impact of the energy used to power the data center, even though it does not directly reduce the amount of energy consumed. Companies are also using more energy-efficient hardware, which contributes to lowering the PUE score.

3. Edge Computing and Distributed Data Centers

The rise of edge computing and distributed data centers is another trend that can impact PUE. Edge computing involves placing smaller data centers closer to the end user to reduce latency and improve performance. These smaller, localized data centers often have more stringent space and energy requirements, but they can be optimized for energy efficiency. This trend is leading to a shift away from the large, centralized data center models that historically have been the focus of PUE improvements.

4. Automation and AI-Driven Efficiency

The use of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize data center operations is also on the rise. AI can monitor and control data center environments in real time, adjusting cooling and energy usage based on workload demands. This automation allows for more precise energy management, which can result in significant reductions in energy consumption and improvements in PUE. Over time, we can expect AI to play a crucial role in the pursuit of more energy-efficient data centers.

5. Data-Driven Performance Monitoring

Finally, data centers are becoming more data-driven when it comes to performance monitoring. By leveraging real-time analytics and performance metrics, operators can identify inefficiencies and take corrective actions more quickly. This trend is helping to drive continuous improvements in PUE, as operators are better able to pinpoint areas where energy use can be reduced without compromising performance.


PUE is a critical metric for data center efficiency, and as the industry evolves, we can expect continued advancements in the technology and strategies used to improve this important measure. Whether through better cooling technologies, renewable energy adoption, or AI-driven automation, the trend towards more efficient data centers is likely to continue. As data demands grow, ensuring that data centers are both high-performing and energy-efficient will remain a top priority.

How to use Social Media Metrics for Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy

The way we communicate has been changed by digitalization and also by the growing use of social media platforms. There are around 4,7 billion internet users worldwide. Most of them are using social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. Therefore, social media offers great potential for your marketing.

Social signals help you to see which of your posts generate engagement from your followers in the form of likes, shares, and comments. You can use this data to review specific campaigns and optimize your social media marketing.

In this blog post I’ll show you

  • what are social media metrics,
  • which metrics are important for your social media posts,
  • how to use social media metrics to optimize your marketing strategy.

What are social media metrics?

Social media metrics, or KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), are metrics you can use to assess how successful a social media strategy is. More precisely, it shows you exactly how successful a single social media post is. The social media metrics can be prioritized and selected according to your (business) goals and serve their purpose.

There are qualitative and quantitative metrics. Quantitative metrics include for example the number of followers, likes, shares, retweets, comments, etc.

Qualitative metrics measure how people react to the content of the post. Is the feedback positive or negative, do people love, criticize or miss something?

In this blogpost, we will focus on quantitative metrics.

Which social media metrics are important for your social media posts?

If you like to analyze the performance of your social media posts, take a look at the following metrics:

  • Impressions: A count of how many times the post has been viewed.
  • Link clicks: A count of link clicks, to further content.
  • Likes: A count of how many times the post has been liked.
  • Re-Shares/ Re-Tweets: A count of how many times the post has been reshared or retweeted.
  • Comments: A count of how many times the post has been replied to.

How to use social media metrics to optimize your marketing strategy?

Metrics are valuable indicators to assess how well a post is received by followers and readers and how users engage with it, like or share the content. To make sure you grow your community and reach your goals, it pays back, if you regularly check your metrics on your social media accounts across all platforms. This helps you to

  • keep track of which posts, topics, campaigns work well
  • adjust any laps in your social media strategy
  • identify trends and challenges to implement into your future campaigns.

Platforms that reach so many people in real-time can open new avenues for lead generation, increase brand awareness, and increase sales. Analyzing the performance of your posts therefore proves to be a good way to adapt and optimize your social media marketing and grow your business.

How to get social media metrics?

Some networks, like Facebook and Instagram, offer their own tools to get insights. However, it can be very time-consuming to check the performance of your posts in each network separately. A social media metrics analysing tool is a good way to reduce this work and save time you can better invest in optimizing your strategy.

The WordPress plugin Blog2Social is a social media automation tool that enables you to manage your entire social media scheduling and sharing directly from your WordPress dashboard across multiple social platforms. You can schedule and share your website content, your blog posts, and product posts. You can also create and share any other social media posts consisting of texts, links, images, and videos automatically. A social media calendar shows you an overview of all scheduled posts. And, with the Social Media Metrics Add-on you can track the performance of all your social media posts you shared with Blog2Social – all in one tool.

With Blog2Social you can track the following metrics (depending on the data availability of each social network):

  • Impressions: A count of how many times the post has been viewed.
  • Link clicks: A count of link clicks, to further content.
  • Likes: A count of how many times the post has been liked.
  • Re-Shares/ Re-Tweets: A count of how many times the post has been reshared or retweeted.
  • Comments: A count of how many times the post has been replied to.

How to optimize your marketing strategy with social media metrics?

Social media marketing should be used to serve your (business) goals. Social media metrics help you to assess how successful a specific campaign, your topics are, in each single post.

Let’s take a closer look at what you can do to even achieve social signals and use the data to optimize your social media strategy.

1. Share high quality content

The social media metrics make it easy to see which social media post is performing well. However, you first need to reach your audience on social media at all to get those social signals. To do so, it is important to publish good content that brings value to your readers. Share high quality content that leads your readers to interact and to give feedback by keeping the following points in mind:

✔ Look for inspiration on relevant industry channels, blogs, newsletters, or from the comments of your followers. Can you pick up on a current topic, is there a gap in coverage you can fill, or are there questions you can answer?

✔ Pimp your content by using multimedia, since visuals like photos, infographics, videos, GIFs, etc., can improve 200% more shares and engagement.

More facts: Tweets receive 150% more retweets for posts with images than without. On LinkedIn posts with images generate a 98% higher comment rate. These are social signals you need to boost the ranking of your posts.

LET'S GET VISUAL- Why visual content is so important

✔ Customize your posts with individual comments, hashtags, handles, and emojis to invite your followers to engage with you.

2. Share your posts at the best times on social media

The time of publishing can play a decisive role in achieving engagement. Posting at the time when your audience is most active will help you to generate more social signals. So get as many likes, shares, and comments as well as a wide reach posting at the time your readers are online.

The following infographic provides you with the perfect starting point for the right timing. Use the suggested days and times for orientation. Please note that weekdays differ from weekends.

Best times to post on social media

3. Track the performance of your posts

Start sharing your posts at the best times and monitor what happens over time. Use different post formats and share them to the same conditions (same time of day and same day of the week).

Track how often a post was commented on, re-shared and liked. Then you can analyze how well a post has performed or not to use the results for your further strategy and optimize your social media marketing.


As you can see, the social media metrics provide many options for optimizing your social media marketing. You get feedback in a different way from your followers, readers, customers and you can use it to see the success of your posts and discover trends. As more and more people around the world get access to the internet, the presence on social media will continue to grow. So take the chance, and track the performance of your social media posts now!

The Best WordPress Themes: What Theme to Use for Your Website

The best WordPress themes add uniqueness, style and usability to your website with colors, fonts, individual formats and more.

WordPress itself makes it easy to set up your website and manage your content, but when it comes to front-end design, you might want more than the default look. This is where themes come in. They allow you to set-up intricate navigation menus and headings, membership forms for community websites or online shops without the need to have any expertise in coding yourself.

Are you wondering which theme could be the best for your website? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Do I need a theme for WordPress?

Technically, no. For example, if you use WordPress as a test environment or to learn how to code. If you are already proficient at coding, you might want a completely custom design for your website. However, I would nonetheless recommend basing your website on a template to save yourself unnecessary work.

Overall, most website admins, developers, agencies and bloggers use a WordPress theme as an easy way to start a website design.

With a theme you can even change the look of your website quite easily. You are not stuck with it once you’ve chosen a WordPress theme: Themes don’t change the underlying structure of your website content – they only change the look and feel of your site.

For example, if you’ve already published several blog posts, changing your WordPress theme won’t remove or edit any of the content in those blog posts. It will only change the appearance of that content.

One way or another: Using a responsive WordPress theme is a great idea for beginners, intermediates and even for WordPress pros.

What makes a great WordPress theme?

There are thousands of themes on WordPress. It’s really hard to decide on the best one for your website, but here are some things to keep in mind when you are on the lookout.

Look either for a multi-purpose theme with a general, versatile design or a theme with a niche design that is tailored to your business or topic. Make sure to choose a modern design: Take a look at your favorite websites for inspiration.

Elements that make a good WordPress theme

  • Fast loading times, so your website runs smoothly and doesn’t take long to render
  • Lightweight and clean code that doesn’t conflict with plugins
  • High quality, fast responding support and helpful FAQs
  • A responsive layout that works on multiple devices, including phones and tablets
  • Content, like images and menu design, that fit your style
  • Options to work with either the built-in WordPress block editor Gutenberg or one of the many reputable page builders
  • Options to add your own branding and design elements such as typography and colors

Free vs. Premium Themes

WordPress is an open source CMS. That means WordPress and many of its add-ons, like themes and plugins, are free to use and customize. However, there are so-called premium themes which do cost money. Is it worth spending some of your budget on a premium theme?

Free WordPress Themes


  1. It’s free – You will have to spend absolutely none of your budget on a free WordPress theme.
  2. High quality – The free themes you will find on are bound by and committed to a high quality standard by WordPress. Every theme you can find there has gone through a strict theme review process.
  3. Trial and error – Of course, it is much easier to try out free WordPress themes until you find one that you like. However, most premium themes offer a basic free version or a free trial to try and see if it matches your expectation.


  1. Limited support options – Some of the developers offer support through WordPress forums for free themes, but they are not obliged to help you out.
  2. Not very unique – If you use a popular free theme, your website will probably look like many other websites out there. Also, there are usually limited options to customize the visual appearance of a free theme.
  3. No warranty – Free themes are distributed without obligations, so if it doesn’t work as expected, you’re on your own.

Premium WordPress Plugins


  1. High flexibility – Premium themes almost always come with more features and customization options: Shortcodes, images, buttons or even complete page builders for custom design creation.
  2. Ongoing support and updates – A great advantage: the ongoing support provided by the developers and the communities that comes with a premium theme.
  3. Showstopping design – In general, premium themes tend to have a higher design quality. Even though free themes are held to high standards, the standards for premium themes are much higher.
  4. Plugins & extras – Many premium themes come with a bundle of plugins. This way, they make it much easier to handle your design and even add options such as SEO, marketing and more with just one purchase.


  1. The cost – Of course, premium themes are not free. They can be quite expensive, actually. Especially for beginners it might be hard to assess if a theme is worth its price. However, look out for free trials that will help you with your decision.
  2. High complexity – Some premium themes are quite complex, if they were not specifically made for beginners. This gives you more customization options, but it will require a little more expertise in coding.
  3. Switching – If you set-up your website using an intricate theme, switching themes and creating a new cohesive layout might be more complicated. Also, when switching premium themes, there is also the added cost.

Find the best WordPress theme for your website

There are thousands of WordPress themes out there, for every business, topic, and style preference. But for now, we’ve gathered some of our favorites for you. All of the themes have been tested and rated by users around the world. They are all available in the WordPress theme database, which makes them easy to install. They have all been reviewed and approved by the WordPress team. All of these themes offer a basic version for free,  with more options at affordable prices in the premium versions that you might find worth looking at.

We’ve selected multi-purpose and very customizable themes that are well supported and have already been proven by thousands of active installations. While being popular, the themes will still give you plenty of options to make your website look unique. Take a look and find the best WordPress theme for you!

Make sure to give us your feedback on these themes in the comments. Do you use one of these themes and want to share your experience? Do you have another favorite theme that we should feature in this list? We’d love to hear from you!


astra is a great wordpress theme with thousands of happy users
DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
Brainstorm Force$ 49.00+1.000.000 +5/5 (5.054 ratings)

Astra is suitable for blogs, personal portfolios, business websites and WooCommerce storefronts. It is very lightweight (less than 50KB on frontend) which means it offers unparalleled speed. Built with SEO in mind, search engines will love your site. It offers special features for designing your own headers, footers and much more. Through templates it is fully customizable even if you have no experience with coding. Astra works perfectly with all page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer and more. Astra is regularly updated and the Brainstorm Force Team offers support to the users. It is compatible with WooCommerce, responsive & translation ready, also for all languages that are read right to left.


Neve - find the best WordPress Theme for You on the Blog2Social Blog
DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
Theme Isle$ 59.00+300.000+5/5 (876 ratings)

Neve is a super fast, easily customizable, multi-purpose theme. It’s very popular, because you can do so many different things with it. The theme’s perfect for blogs, small businesses, startups, agencies, e-commerce shops (compatible with WooCommerce) as well as personal portfolio sites and most types of projects. A fully AMP optimized (for mobile) and responsive theme, Neve will load in mere seconds and adapt perfectly on any viewing device. While it is lightweight and has a minimalist design, the theme is highly extendable, it has a highly SEO optimized code, laying the groundwork for resulting in top rankings in Google search results. Neve works perfectly with Gutenberg and the most popular page builders (Elementor, Brizy, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, SiteOrigin, Divi). Neve is also WooCommerce ready, responsive & translation ready.


DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
wbcomdesigns$ 59.00+4.000+5/5 (12 ratings)

BuddyX is an ideal theme for community and membership website providing a solution to all kinds of communities. Thanks to it’s BuddyPress support, your website can now have member profiles, send a private message, create groups and so much more. It is a lightweight, fully responsive, seo-optimised, RTL & translation ready theme. BuddyX provides support for WooCommerce and many other plugins.

It is highly customizable and works perfectly with page builders such as Elementor and Gutenberg. BuddyX is perfect for creating social learning, marketplace and blogging websites using BuddyPress integration. BuddyX is built using the latest best practices for progressive web content and optimization. It is well tested with the latest BuddyPress version and popular BuddyPress addons. It is developed, maintained, and supported by Wbcom Designs.


NewsUp - find the best WordPress Theme for You on the Blog2Social Blog
DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
Theme Ansar$ 59.00+20.000+4,5/5 (100 ratings)

NewsUp is a fast, clean, modern-looking responsive WordPress theme. It’s great for any newsfeed or magazine style website. The theme is fully widgetized, so users can manage the content easily by using widgets.

It is SEO friendly, WPML, Gutenberg, translation and RTL ready. There are many child themes based on NewsUp,for example NewsTalk, so you have many beautiful pre-made designs to choose from.

Rosa 2

rosa WordPress Theme - find the best WordPress Theme for You on the Blog2Social Blog
DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
Pixelgrade$ 70.00+900 +5/5 (15 ratings)

Rosa 2 is a freemium WordPress theme designed for Gutenberg, the block editor from WordPress. This makes it very beginner-friendly. The beautiful theme will allow any type of small business, from restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, beauty salons, hotels, and more, to capture the attention of online visitors. With just a few clicks, you can add a gallery of images, a slideshow gallery to showcase your location’s hot spots, and even a background video on each section of the page. The built-in Food Menu lets you quickly add menu items, highlight the important ones, and display special discounted prices for each item. This saves you a lot of time and makes this theme worth the money. The predefined color palettes from the Style Manager offer a fast way to customize your site’s overall appearance and design. In case you get stuck, you can use the help section to look for the right FAQ or contact the support team directly.


Woostify WordPress Theme - find the best WordPress Theme for You on the Blog2Social Blog
DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
Dylan NGO$ 49.0010.000+5/5 (67 ratings)

Woostify is the theme for beginners who want to start their own online shop in an affordable and easy way. It is a fast, lightweight, responsive and super flexible WooCommerce theme built with SEO, speed, and usability in mind. They offer Add-Ons, so you only pay for the features you really want to use. The theme works great with any of your favorite page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, SiteOrigin, Thrive Architect, Divi, etc. Therefore, you can build many types of websites with it.  They also have a 24/7 support ticket system, which will come in handy, if you have any questions or problems with the theme. Woostify is compatible with all well-coded plugins, including major ones like WooCommerce, OrbitFox, Yoast, BuddyPress and Blog2Social.


Inspiro Theme - find the best WordPress Theme for You on the Blog2Social Blog
DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
WP Zoom$ 79.00+30.000+4,5/5 (54 ratings)

Inspiro is a professional & lightweight photo and video-focused WordPress theme with a modern design. Of course, it is not only a great fit for photographers and filmmakers, but also for agencies, companies and bloggers who want to make their site more lively and engaging. Packed with features including a fullscreen area that supports Vimeo, YouTube & self-hosted video background, Page Builder integration, Inspiro is perfect for showing off your photography and video portfolio. Moreover, the theme is compatible with WooCommerce and popular Page Builders such as Elementor, Beaver Builder.


ColorMag - find the best WordPress Theme for You on the Blog2Social Blog
DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
Theme Grill$ 59.00+100.000+5/5 (1.366 ratings)

ColorMag helps you to create your blog or magazine site with ease. Perfect for news, magazine, newspaper and any kind of publishing sites. Fully compatible with Elementor page builder plugin to create any layout imaginable.

It loads in under 1 second, is fully search engine optimized and has been tested with multiple speed testing tools. What is also great about this theme is the many customization options it comes with. You can choose out of many templates and customize the theme with just one click.

The theme is compatible with WooCommerce and many page builders, like Gutenberg, Elementor, Brizy and more.


Kadence - - find the best WordPress Theme for You on the Blog2Social Blog
DeveloperPriceActive InstallationsRating
Kadence$ 45.00+100.000+5/5 (145 ratings)

Kadence is a lightweight yet full featured WordPress theme for creating beautiful fast loading and accessible websites, easier than ever. It features an easy to use drag and drop header and footer builder to build any type of header in minutes. It features a full library of gorgeous starter templates that are easy to modify with our intelligent global font and color controls. With extensive integration with the most popular 3rd party plugins, you can quickly build impressive ecommerce websites, course websites, business websites, and more.

Next steps to your website success

Your website just got a successful style make-over, thanks to the amazing theme you picked out. What more is there to do but leaning back and watching the traffic and sales come in?

A lot, actually. A great-looking website alone will not give you traffic and sales. You need to give people the chance to find it in the depths of the internet. For example by improving your visibility in the search engines. This way, people will find your website e.g. by googling “Vegan Food Berlin” or “Dentist in Bristol”. You could create backlinks so people come to your site from related sources or start a social media presence to showcase your services. To do that, of course, you need to create more content: Videos, graphics, blog posts, articles, studies, the list goes on.

Sounds overwhelming? The good thing is, you don’t need to do it on your own. With WordPress, plugins are your best friend and will help you out with all kinds of daily tasks. For example SEO, visuals and even list building and social media marketing!

21 WordPress Marketing Plugins you must have

Download the list

In this list of essential plugins, you will find some real treasures for your website marketing. For example a free editorial calendar for your website or amazing social media buttons and forms. Essential plugins like Yoast, EWWW, Rainmaker, and Blog2Social help you out with SEO, fast loading visuals, email- and  social media marketing.

Additionally, all recommended plugins and themes are highly compatible because all meet the high standards of the WordPress environment.

That way, you can have new website visitors from social media every day and show off the hard work you put into creating your dream website.

Learn more about creating your perfect online presence with WordPress

Daily Social Media Management in 5 MINUTES – How much time can you save using social media automation?

This is how quickly you can actually share posts on multiple social networks.

Sharing content on social media is one of the most important tasks to generate attention and drive more traffic to your website and to your offers. Posting on multiple social platforms and channels consumes a lot of time and work. So, how can you save time on social media?

Social media automation tools promise huge time-savings and more time for the things that are really important to you. You can save time and tedious chores. In this article I will put a social media automation tool to the test and see how much time it can really save. Is it possible to do your social media management in 5 minutes?

The experiment

To compare manual sharing and sharing with a social media tool, I will promote one blog post on my social media channels and compare the times. Let’s see how long it takes to share the post to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest.

When using social media automation, it is tempting to share the same message to all social networks but social media posts get more outreach and engagement if you customize your posts to each social network and each community. That’s why in this experiment I will be using personal comments, asking questions and adding hashtags. People are more likely to like, share or comment on social media posts with personal comments.

For a quick overview of the results and a look at how I share my posts, check out this video on “Social Media Management in 5 MINUTES”.

The tedious work of sharing social media posts manually on each network

For my self-experiment, I started with the manual work of sharing my blog post separately on each social media account. I wanted to see how much time I actually need for marketing a blog post on each social platform. I  started the stopwatch after publishing my blog post and then I started with the promotional work.

I opened Canva first, to crop the images to the perfect size for each social network. To find out the best image sizes for each network check out the following infographic. Click here to see the current best image sizes for each network.

First, I tackled Twitter, quickly and easily to be done, isn’t it? Just 280 characters to go. The text actually came to me quite easily, putting in hashtags without much hassle. But then the tricky part started: 49 characters left but still no link and no image included. So I opened a new tab, entered the blog URL, opened the post, copied the link and pasted in my Tweet. I wanted to post an image post, so I still had to add the image. 

tweeting manually can take up a lot of time

A quick look at the timer: 12:01 minutes gone for Twitter and cropping my images.

On to the next network!

Let’s turn to Facebook next. For Facebook, there is no character limit. So I added a short introduction to my post, added the image and the link and hit send. 

posting to facebook manually can take a long time

The score: After Facebook the stopwatch shows 16:43 minutes.

No, I will not bore you now with how I worked all networks, but rather highlight what I did. After finishing Facebook, to save time, I copied and changed my comment a bit for the business contacts on LinkedIn.

Now I realize that pasting links and images is most time-consuming. Additionally, I have to open each network in a single tab and switch between tabs to copy and paste texts for re-using them. Blogpost, social networks, image folder, infographics– you can very quickly lose the overview.

Pinterest and Instagram were next in line. In these two social networks you need a key visual to grab the attention. So, to save time, you should make sure to prepare graphics that work on both networks. With Pinterest there is also the choice of the right wall to pin it to. 

After sharing my post on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram I stopped the time again and had a final time of 25:20 minutes.

manual planning can take a long time

At a first glance I thought 25:20 minutes for 5 networks was not bad, but if I want to promote 2-4 posts a day, I am busy for more than 2 hours with just promoting blog posts.

However, I did not even add the additional time I usually need for re-publishing my post also on Medium, Torial, Bloglovin, and Reddit. And, I also did not share my posts on Facebook, LinkedIn and Xing pages and groups as I usually do.

Let’s see how much time we can save using social media automation.

Social Media Automation: Sharing blog posts with Blog2Social

Blog2Social is a social media automation software specially designed for WordPress websites. It is fully integrated into the WordPress dashboard, so you can manage and share all your website content, but also content from other sources on your social media accounts directly from your WP dashboard.

The starting point here is the same: The timer starts after the blog post is published and the promotional work can begin. I go to the WordPress back-end and click on the green Blog2Social button. Of course users who don’t have a WordPress website can use the independent Blog2Social WebApp. This is a great option for scheduling and managing your social media posts if you don’t have a WordPress website.

with blog2social you can easily create social media posts in your wordpress backend

Blog2Social automatically adapts the image sizes to the requirements of each network, so I don’t have to go to Canva and crop my images. Comments fitting the requirements of each network’s space limits are also automatically added from my text.

Since I don’t want to make it too easy for this experiment, I will become more creative and customize my comments for each of my communities. Blog2Social allows me to customize each social media post in one place and one easy workflow, so that I can still save time, a lot of time, compared to manually sharing my posts.

If you want to learn more on how best to share your post on each network, check out the following free complete social media sharing guide.

blog2social adds images and links to your posts automatically and suggests texts

I don’t have to insert the link to my post as Blog2Social inserts it automatically. Also, my keywords are automatically turned into hashtags for networks such as Pinterest and Instagram.

The tool also counts the available characters for me. On top of each editing field I can see how many characters I have available in total and how many I have used up already.

Since all editing fields for all connected networks, profiles, pages, and groups are displayed on one editing page, I save time for switching between the individual tabs.

Blog2Social  also allows me to schedule my posts to be shared at a specific time on each network. I can do this by using a pre-configured best time scheduler or I can edit each time separately for each network. I usually use the best time scheduler and then edit some of the suggested times, if I think it necessary. With this I can save time on scheduling every post individually.

The only thing I still had to do was press the green button “Share.”

sharing with blog2social works quickly and efficiently

Et voilá – all posts have been published or scheduled. By clicking “view social media post” you can take a look at your post to check, if everything is ok.

What can I say? Everything looks great! A glance at the stopwatch tells me: 5 minutes and 5 seconds. Even without a calculator, I know that it was much less than in the first round. Blog2Social just saved me 20 minutes and a lot of sharing pain.

sharing with Blog2Social takes five minutes

The benefits of scheduling social media posts

Blog2Social enables you to share your blog posts on all social media at once or to schedule your social media posts for each or of channels. By sharing your posts at different times the posts are likely to get more outreach and attention. Every network has a specific time when communities are most active and at which posts achieve higher interaction rates. By sharing your post at the best time for each social network your post is more likely to get attention and engagement from your community. By sharing your post at different times across social networks will also extend the lifespan of your post.

Learn more tips and tricks for time-saving social media scheduling here.

Wrap up: Save Time on Social Media Management and Cross-Promotion with Blog2Social

25:20 minutes manual sharing vs. 5:05 minutes automatic sharing. 

You can easily see: Sharing with Blog2Social only took me a fifth of the time that manual sharing costs me. Instead of almost half an hour, I just did my scheduling in less than 5 minutes. Plus, with Blog2Social, all my posts will be published at the best times for each network and I don’t have to worry about the correct image sizes.

And think about this: If you wanted to post to another Facebook page, group or to another Twitter account, and even more social networks like XING, Reddit, Tumblr or Google My Business manually, it could take you over an hour everyday. With Blog2Social you can do your complete scheduling for a week, a month or even a year in a matter of minutes.

Blog2Social can also reshare your older posts on social media automatically. The Blog2Social Autoposter can automatically create and share posts for every new piece of content you publish. This way, you can save even more time!

With all this new free time you have on your hands, you can create more amazing content, interact with your communities, promote your business in any way you’d like or simply take a break.

Voices from Blog2Social Users: “Saves SO much Time!!!”

I am not the only one who finds Blog2Social is a great time-saver. Dena on WordPress is giddy because she doesn’t have to spend hours on social media scheduling anymore.

What’s your experience with Social Media Automation? Please let me know in the comments!

The Complete Social Media Guide and Toolbox

Get the Complete Guide to Social Media sharing & Toolbox for free!

Social media is the most important source for driving traffic to a blog or website and generating reach. Readers and potential customers use social media channels to conduct targeted research, share information and discuss current topics. Click here to get the Social Media Guide

Social Media Video Sizes Cheet Sheet

Video content is all the rage and a highly effective way to gain organic reach on social media. According to Cisco’s 2022 report, 82 % of global internet traffic generated from either video streaming or video downloads. Whether it’s for personal use, brand promotion, or advertising, video content is a powerful tool for engaging with audiences and driving engagement. With the availability of user-friendly video creation tools on various platforms, you can easily create videos on the go without requiring expensive equipment. Social media users value authenticity and vulnerability highly, so have fun and create content without getting too caught up in the technicalities.

With so many different social media platforms available, each with their own unique video specifications, it can be challenging to create content that looks great on every platform. In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at the video sizes for the most popular social media platforms, including YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and more. By understanding these video sizes, you’ll be able to optimize your video content for each platform and ensure that your content looks its best and performs well, no matter where it’s shared.

First things first

Social media has various video formats that you may come across, and it is essential to know which formats work best for each platform to ensure your content performs well.

To ensure that your videos are effective, there are a few important things to keep in mind before you start recording:

  1. When producing your video, choose a frame that works well in both landscape and portrait modes. This allows you to share your video on multiple social media platforms.
  2. Turn longer YouTube videos into 15-second snippets to provide a sneak peek on different platforms.
  3. Engage viewers in the first few seconds to keep their attention. This can be achieved through humor or by providing informative content that adds value to the user.
  4. Include a call to action to encourage engagement with your video.
  5. Use a tripod to ensure steady footage.

By following these simple tips, you can make the most out of your videos and increase engagement with your audience.

Why you should use the right video sizes for each platform

Using the appropriate video sizes for each social media platform is essential for several reasons. Firstly, each platform has its own unique specifications for video formats, including aspect ratio, video size, and resolution. Failing to adhere to these specifications can result in poorly optimized videos that do not display correctly on the platform, leading to a reduction in engagement and viewership.

Secondly, using the correct video sizes ensures that your content will be displayed in the best quality possible, which can increase the chances of users sharing, liking, and commenting. When videos are displayed correctly, they are more visually appealing and can grab the attention of viewers more effectively.

Lastly, using the right video sizescan help to increase your organic reach on social media. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram, for instance, prioritize videos that are optimized for their platform, which can result in your content being displayed to a larger audience. By adhering to each platform’s video format guidelines, you can ensure that your videos are displayed correctly and reach the maximum number of users possible.

Get the Cheat Sheet: Social Media Video Sizes!

Download the cheat sheet with all the social media video sizes for the major social media platforms.

[rainmaker_form id=”88122″]

YouTube Video Sizes

YouTube is the world’s largest video-sharing platform, allowing users to upload, share, and view videos on a variety of topics. With over 2.6 billion monthly active users, YouTube has become an indispensable tool for creators, businesses, and viewers alike. From educational content to music videos and vlogs, YouTube offers a vast range of video content that can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. In this day and age, YouTube has become a cultural phenomenon and an essential part of our daily lives.

It’s a good idea to make your content:

  • Clear, consistent, and representative so that people who find your channel will instantly understand what your videos are all about.
  • As simple as possible. Think of logos or the branding of products you like—they’re likely a singular image or style that sticks in your brain.
  • Something you’re proud of. Remember—your content will become an extension of you, especially if you star in your channel.

YouTube Video Guidelines

  • File type: MOV, MPEG4, MP4, AVI, WMV, MPEGPS, FLV, 3GPP, and WebM
  • Resolution: 3840 x 2160 (max)
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1, 2:3 or 9:16
  • Video length: 12 hours (max)
  • File size: 128 GB (max) or 12 hours

YouTube Shorts

When you uploard videos in a 9:16 asprect ratio shorter than 60 seconds, YouTube automatically creates a short from your content.

Things to keep in mind

  • You don’t need any special equipment to get started! You can record, edit, and upload all from your phone.
  • After you get your first upload out of the way, try sticking to a posting schedule you can maintain. Remember, consistency is key!
  • Short videos are fun, and Shorts make it easy for anyone to get started immediately.
  • File type: MP4 and MOV.
  • Resolution: min. 720 pixels and max 1080 pixels.
  • Aspect ratio: 9:16
  • Video length: up to 60 seconds 
Blog2Social: YouTube Video Sizes

Vimeo Video Sizes

Vimeo is a video-sharing platform that was founded in 2004, a year before YouTube. However, Vimeo has distinguished itself by focusing on high-quality, professional-grade videos that are often used by filmmakers, artists, and other creative professionals. Vimeo offers a range of tools and features that allow users to upload, share, and collaborate on videos with ease. With a community of over 260 million active monthly creators and viewers, Vimeo has become a popular choice for those who value quality and creativity in video content.

Vimeo Video Guidelines

  • File type: MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, and FLV
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 px up to 8k
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Video length: 24 hours (max)
  • File size: 500MB per week with the basic free membership, with a total of 5GB storage
Blog2Social: Vimeo Video Sizes

TikTok Video Sizes

TikTok is a social media app that has taken the world by storm since its launch in 2016. With over one billion active users, the platform has become a hub for short-form videos that are often humorous, creative, and entertaining. The app allows users to create and share videos ranging from lip-syncs, dance videos, comedy skits, and more, all set to a background of popular songs and sounds. What sets TikTok apart from other social media platforms is its algorithm that suggests personalized content to users, making it easy to discover new creators and trends. TikTok has revolutionized the way people consume videos and is by far the number one platform that generates the most engagement with users.

TikTok Video Guidelines

  • File type: MP4 or MOV recommended
  • Resolution: 1080×1920 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 9:16 (1:1 with pillarboxing)
  • Video length: 15 seconds recorded in-app, 60 seconds in-app (4 sections of 15 seconds), or over 60 seconds when uploaded from another source
  • File size: max. 287.6MB
Blog2Social: TikTok Video Sizes

Instagram Video Sizes

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms that was launched in 2010, initially as a photo-sharing app. Since then, it has grown to over 1.2 billion active users, making it one of the largest social networks in the world. Instagram allows users to share photos and videos, and has become a hub for creative expression and visual storytelling. With features such as Instagram Stories, and Reels, users can share their content in a variety of formats and engage with their followers in new and exciting ways.

Instagram Video Guidelines

  • File type:MP4 and MOV
  • Resolution: 720-1080 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 1:1, 4:5
  • Video length: 15 to 60 seconds
  • File size: 4GB 

Instagram Reel Guidelines

  • File type:MP4 or MOV
  • Resolution: 1920 px
  • Aspect ratio: 9:16
  • Video length: 3 seconds – 15 minutes
  • File size: 650 MB
Blog2Social: Instagram Video Sizes

Pinterest Video Sizes

Pinterest is a social media platform that has gained popularity as a visual search engine, allowing users to discover and save ideas for everything from fashion and home decor to recipes and travel. Launched in 2010, Pinterest now has over 433 million active users worldwide, making it a valuable platform for businesses looking to reach new audiences. With features such as Pins, Boards, and Story Pins, users can create, organize, and share content in a visually appealing way. 

Video Pin Guidelines

  • File type: MP4, M4V, MOV
  • Resolution: min 240 pixels max 2160 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1, 2:3 or 9:16
  • Video length: 15-30 seconds 
  • File size: 2 GB (max)

Story Pin Guidelines

  • File type: MP4, M4V, MOV
  • Aspect ratio: 9:16
  • Video length: 15- 60 seconds
  • File size: 16mb Android and iOS, 100mb Web
Blog2Social: Pinterest Video Sizes

Facebook Video Sizes

Facebook is a social media platform founded in 2004. It quickly grew to become the largest social network in the world with over 2.9 billion monthly active users. Users can create profiles, share content, connect with friends and family, and join or create groups to share common interests. Facebook has evolved over the years to include features such as live video, 360° videos, marketplace, and advertising options for businesses. It continues to be a powerful tool for connecting people and businesses worldwide.

Facebook Video Guidelines

  • File type: MP4 or MOV
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 to 9:16
  • Video length: max 240 minutes 
  • File size: max 4.0 GB

360° Video Guidelines

  • File Type: MP4 container
  • Video dimension for Monoscopic videos: 5120 x 2560 maximum, aspect ratio 2:1
  • Video dimension for Stereoscopic videos: 5120 x 5120 maximum, aspect ratio 1:1
  • Maximum Length: ½ hour
  • Maximum File Size: 10 GB
  • Video with 360 metadata embedded

Facebook Reels and Stories

  • File type: MP4 or MOV
  • Resolution: 540 x 960 (540p) minimum (1080×1920 or greater recommended)
  • Aspect ratio: 9:16
  • Video length: 4 seconds – 60 seconds (Stories 4 minutes)
  • File size: No file size limit
Blog2Social: Facebook Video Sizes

Linkedin Video Sizes

LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world, offering professionals in various industries the opportunity to connect, explore career opportunities, and expand their professional network. With over 900 million members in over 200 countries and regions, LinkedIn is a valuable platform to connect with other professionals, exchange industry-specific information, and discover professional opportunities. In recent years, LinkedIn has also expanded its features to support multimedia content such as videos. These videos can be an effective way to share expertise, provide insights into work or the company, and position oneself as an industry expert. By using the right video formats on LinkedIn, you can capture the attention of your target audience and advance your professional goals.

  • File type: MP4 or MOV
  • Resolution: 256×144 – 4096×2304
  • Aspect ratio: 1:2.4 – 2.4:1
  • Video length: 10 Minutes
  • File size: 5 GB
LinkedIn Video Specs

Twitter Video Sizes

Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to share and discover information and news in real-time. With over 330 million active users, Twitter is a popular platform for businesses, celebrities, and individuals to connect and engage with their audience. The platform’s unique feature of limiting posts to 280 characters makes it a hub for concise and effective communication. From breaking news to personal opinions, Twitter offers a platform for anyone to join the conversation and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and topics.

Twitter Video Guidelines

  • File type: MP4 or MOV
  • Resolution: min 32 px max 4096 px
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 1:1, 9:16
  • Video length: 140 seconds
  • File size: 512 MB (mobile) 1 GB (web)
Blog2Social: Twitter Video Sizes

Mastodon Video Sizes

Mastodon is a decentralized social networking platform that offers an alternative to centralized social media platforms. Launched in 2016, Mastodon has gained popularity among individuals and communities seeking more control over their online presence and data. Unlike traditional social networks, Mastodon is built on a federated model, where multiple independent servers, called instances, are connected to create a diverse and interconnected network. This decentralized structure allows users to choose the instance that aligns with their interests and values, while still being able to communicate with users from other instances. With its emphasis on privacy, customization, and community-driven moderation, Mastodon provides a unique and user-centric experience in the world of social media.

  • File type: MP4 or MOV
  • Resolution: 1920 x 1200 px 
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3, and 1:1
  • Video length: no limit
  • File size: 40 MB

Discord Video Sizes

Discord is a versatile communication platform that not only allows users to chat and voice call but also supports the sharing of videos. When it comes to sharing videos on Discord, there are a few important specifications to consider for the best experience.

Firstly, Discord supports a wide range of video file formats, including common formats like MP4, MOV, and AVI. This allows users to easily share videos in their preferred format without compatibility issues.

In terms of video resolution and quality, Discord recommends using a resolution of 1280×720 pixels (720p) for optimal viewing. However, higher resolutions are also supported, and Discord automatically adjusts the quality based on the viewer’s device and internet connection.

  • File type: MP4, MOV, and AVI.
  • Resolution: 1280x720px
  • Aspect ratio: 
  • Video length: 
  • File size: 8MB (non Nitro), 50 MB (Nitro Classic) 100 MB (Nitro)
Discord Video Sizes

Publish and share your videos automatically with Blog2Social

Sharing your video content across multiple social media platforms can be a hassle, especially when you have to do it manually. With Blog2Social, however, you can easily automate the process and publish your videos across all your social media accounts straight from your WordPress media library. Whether you want to share your videos on YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or TikTok, Blog2Social has got you covered.

The integrated video feature seamlessly integrates into your social media scheduling and sharing workflow. All you have to do is upload or select a video from your WordPress media library, add a compelling title and description with relevant keywords, and publish it across your chosen social media accounts with just a few clicks. Streamline your workflow and simplify your content sharing process all in one place.

Blog2Social also imports your video title and description from the meta text in your media gallery and automatically adapts it to the format required by each platform. Plus, you can easily add or customize your title, description, and hashtags for each network individually to ensure your video content is optimized and ready to reach a wider audience.

Get your sneak peek!

Check out our quick tutorial on how to get started with the new video function. Find out how to connect your channels, upload your videos and send them out to your channels to go viral. Make sure to leave your feedback in the comment section and follow for more updates!

Start the free trial today!

Sign up for a free 30-day video trial and experience all the premium features of Blog2Social (no automatic subscription). During your trial, you can upload up to 250 MB of video content per day, with a total limit of 2.5 GB. When you reach the limit, simply choose a premium license and unlock the video add-on.


Social media video content has become a crucial aspect of digital marketing and personal branding. Understanding the video sizes for each social media platform is essential to create content that looks its best and performs well on each platform. By optimizing your videos for each platform, you can increase your organic reach, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals. Remember to keep in mind the aspect ratios, resolutions, and video sizes for each platform, as well as the recommended video length and content type. With this knowledge, you can create high-quality video content that resonates with your audience and helps you stand out on social media.

Get the Cheat Sheet: Social Media Video Sizes!

Download the cheat sheet with all the social media video sizes for the major social media platforms.

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Must-Have Video Tools for your Marketing: Create, Promote & Share

In our world where video reigns supreme, consumers are hungry for captivating visual experiences to understand products and services. Did you know that users retain 95% of a message when watched on video, compared to a mere 10% when read in plain text?

Now, imagine harnessing this potential as a marketer – effectively informing and engaging your potential buyers. Sounds great, but it can be a struggle to create high-quality, cost-effective, and enjoyable videos on a regular basis, especially for a small business. Fear not! Get ready for your ultimate time-saving video tools for effortless and affordable production and promotion. With these game-changing video tools, you’ll be crafting compelling videos that win over new customers, day after day.


vidIQ is a great tool for video marketing

You know you want to make great videos. You know what your expertise is. Still, you might have no idea what videos you want to make. That’s where VidIQ comes in. VidIQ analyzes your YouTube channel as well as competitors channels, to find you daily new video ideas. It also knows the best keywords for your chosen topic. It shows you the keywords that give your brand the greatest visibility. VidIQ helps you optimize your YouTube channel, analyze the effectiveness of thumbnails, and provides ideas for tags, descriptions, and titles.

VidIQ’s YouTube channel and newsletter also offer tips and tricks to master all types of videos and optimize them for a variety of platforms.


VidIQ is free for one channel and includes tracking for three competitors and basic video analytics. The paid services, Pro ($7.50/month) and Boost ($39/month), offer more channels and additional features. A premium version at the mentioned price includes unlimited channels, users, and more.


Canva is a great tool for video marketing

Now that you have ideas and keywords for your next video, you turn to an old friend: Canva. Previously just a great tool to effortlessly create graphics, the versatile design platform extended its functionality to video editing and customization.

One standout feature of Canva is its ability to remove and change video backgrounds effortlessly. Say goodbye to distracting or unappealing backgrounds that could diminish the impact of your message. With just a few clicks, you can seamlessly replace backgrounds, ensuring that the focus remains on your content and brand. Whether you want to transport your viewers to a stunning location or create a professional studio-like setting, Canva offers the flexibility to transform your videos with ease.

Another game-changing aspect of Canva is its extensive stock video library. Access a vast collection of high-quality videos right within the platform, eliminating the need for tedious searches across multiple websites.

But Canva doesn’t stop at just backgrounds and stock videos. This powerful tool also allows you to add text, graphics, and overlays to enhance your videos further. From attention-grabbing titles to engaging captions, you can easily create visually stunning and informative videos that deliver your message effectively. With Canva’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface, even those without prior design experience can effortlessly craft professional-looking videos that leave a lasting impression.


You can use Canva, as well as many of its features, stock images and videos for free. When you use it often, you might consider the pro ($9.15/month/person) or the team ($11.60/month/person) for even more free stock content and more features, for example AI-based design tools.

Motion Array

Motion Array is a great tool for video marketing

Motion Array is the place for unlimited creative assets. This includes stunning stock footage and graphics to add depth and variety to your content. Using Motion Array can bring several benefits to your video marketing efforts. Motion Array also offers a vast library of video templates, motion graphics, and audio tracks. You can easily find and incorporate visually appealing elements that align with your brand and help you create engaging and professional videos.

Whether you need eye-catching transitions, stylish text animations, or dynamic overlays, Motion Array is the place for you. These effects can help make your videos visually appealing and memorable. By incorporating these professional-grade visual elements, you can captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Motion Array also provides a suite of powerful editing tools that can streamline your video production process. With features like customizable video templates and pre-built effects, you can save time and effort by quickly creating visually stunning videos. These tools enable you to focus on the creative aspects of your video marketing campaigns without getting bogged down by technical complexities.

For teams or collaborators, Motion Array offers collaboration features that facilitate teamwork. You can invite team members, assign roles and tasks, and track progress, ensuring smooth coordination and efficient workflow. These collaboration tools enable seamless communication and make it easier to work together on video marketing projects.


Your marketing can benefit from MotionArray starting from $19,99/month. Sharing the joy and working as a team, you can save a bit of money, paying $37,50/month for two users.


synthesia is a great tool for video marketing

Don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera? Synthesia is an AI-powered video generation tool that allows you to create realistic-looking videos by using text-based scripts. It utilizes artificial intelligence and deep learning technologies to generate videos with lifelike virtual presenters or avatars speaking the script you provide. Synthesia’s aim is to simplify and automate the video production process, making it accessible to individuals and businesses of all sizes.

With this tool, you cannot only customize your videos and choose your own avatar, it also allows multilingual video production in languages you don’t even speak. Synthesia supports multiple languages, allowing you to easily create videos in different languages and expand your reach to a global audience.

Creating videos this way is, of course, a fantastically affordable and quick way of creating videos compared to filming and editing videos with a real person. However, it is essential to note that while Synthesia provides an efficient and automated video creation solution, it may lack the human touch and genuine connection that can be achieved through traditional video production methods. It is crucial to strike a balance and evaluate whether Synthesia aligns with your brand’s tone, messaging, and target audience expectations.


You can start creating your own AI-powered videos for $30/month. This is their personal plan, for bigger teams they offer custom solutions.


Animaker is a great tool for video marketing

Animaker allows you to easily create animated videos, without any knowledge on animating at all. This handy tool provides a user-friendly interface and a drag-and-drop editor that makes video creation accessible to users of all skill levels. With its intuitive platform, you can easily design and customize animated videos, explainer videos, infographics, and more.

Animaker offers a vast library of templates, characters, props, backgrounds, and animations that can be easily incorporated into your videos. You can choose from a variety of styles and themes that align with your brand and tailor them to your specific marketing needs.

With Animaker, you also have full control over customizing your videos to align with your brand identity. You can add your logo, choose brand colors, and incorporate your own images and assets. This level of customization helps you create videos that are consistent with your brand aesthetics, reinforcing brand recognition and building a cohesive visual identity across your video marketing campaigns.


You can start animating videos with Animaker starting from $10/month. If you need videos longer than 5 minutes, a higher quality or a high amount of videos per month, you can instead choose a starter ($19/month) or a pro ($49/month) package. There are also custom solutions available.


InShot is a great tool for video marketing

The previous tools are great for editing videos in your browser. If you want to edit videos on the go using your phone, InShot is a powerful and versatile tool that can be highly useful.

Just like Canva and Synthesia, InShot is extremely easy to use. It features a user-friendly interface that makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced video editors. Its intuitive layout and straightforward timelines enable users to quickly navigate the software and start editing their videos with ease.

InShot supports a wide range of video and audio formats, allowing you to import and edit various types of media files. This versatility ensures that you can work with your existing video footage and incorporate different assets seamlessly into your marketing videos. Effortlessly create vertical videos for your stories, square videos for your feed or horizontal videos for YouTube or Vimeo.

With InShot, your videos will never be boring: InShot offers a variety of free-to-use music and sound effects for your videos. Add music to your videos to transform the mood, transport information and connect with your audience.


InShot and many of its editing features are available free of charge. If you want to remove ads and watermarks and get access to additional filters, effects and transitions, you can upgrade to pro ($3.99/month).


Blog2Social is a great tool for video marketing

Now that your video has been edited to perfection, it is time to put it out there! Share your video on social media to reach your audience effectively. Blog2Social is a social media automation tool that is perfectly designed for sharing all your content on your favorite social media platforms. Unlike many of its competitors, it does not only allow sharing text, links and images, it also lets you share videos.

Depending on the platform, you can either directly upload your videos to the respective social media platforms or host them on popular video-sharing platforms like YouTube or Vimeo as well as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter. You can also share your video as link posts to all the networks that don’t allow sharing videos directly.

You can easily tailor your social media posts to suit each platform’s specifications. For example, by personalizing the captions and titles of your videos, or adding all your important keywords, as well as hashtags. Each platform has its own unique features and character limits. Blog2Social will help you adapt your descriptions and videos in one single workflow for all selected platforms accordingly.

Make the most of your videos by scheduling your posts at the best times for visibility and engagement. You can schedule each post for the perfect time when most of your audience is online. If you don’t know the best time for your post, Blog2Social will schedule your posts automatically for the best time on each network to maximize engagement.


With the free version, you can already tap into basic Blog2Social functionalities and experience the convenience of seamless social media sharing. Elevate your social media game by upgrading to the premium features starting at just $7 per month. This option allows you to share your videos per link post. For your advanced video marketing endeavors, such as publishing, scheduling and sharing your video files from your media library, Blog2Social has got you covered with an exclusive add-on available for just $5.75 per month.

Maximize Your Video Engagement: Harnessing the Power of Multiple Social Platforms

To truly capitalize on the potential of your video promotion, it’s essential to leverage multiple social media platforms. By tailoring your video content for distribution across diverse networks like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more, you can maximize reach, foster stronger connections, and drive higher engagement. Let’s explore how you can effectively promote your videos across these platforms with the help of tools like Blog2Social, thereby transforming your video marketing strategy into a resounding success.

Why you should post videos on TikTok

  • Wide reach and engagement: TikTok has gained immense popularity, particularly among younger demographics. It offers a vast user base and provides excellent opportunities to engage with a large audience. TikTok’s algorithm promotes content based on user interests, making it easier for your videos to gain exposure and go viral.
  • Creativity and virality: TikTok’s short-form video format (15 to 60 seconds) encourages creativity and allows you to create captivating and highly shareable content. The platform’s unique features like filters, effects, and music options enable you to produce visually appealing and entertaining videos that can quickly spread across the platform.
  • Trend-driven content: TikTok is known for its trend-driven nature. By participating in popular challenges, using relevant hashtags, and staying up-to-date with trends, you can increase your chances of reaching a broader audience and generating buzz around your brand.

Why you should post videos on YouTube

  • Extensive reach and discoverability: As the largest video-sharing platform, YouTube provides an enormous audience base with billions of active users. It offers excellent discoverability through search results, recommended videos, and suggested content, making it easier for users to find and engage with your video marketing campaigns. Especially YouTube’s new Shorts, that are similar to reels and TikToks, are highly engaging and have potential for going viral.
  • Long-form content and tutorials: YouTube’s platform is well-suited for longer video formats, making it ideal for in-depth tutorials, product demonstrations, and educational content. It allows you to showcase your expertise, build credibility, and provide value to your audience, leading to stronger brand loyalty.
  • Monetization and ad opportunities: YouTube offers various monetization options, such as ads, sponsorships, and channel memberships. This allows you to potentially generate revenue from your video marketing efforts. Additionally, YouTube’s ad platform enables you to reach a highly targeted audience through precise demographic and interest-based targeting.

Why you should post videos on Vimeo

  • High-quality and professional content: Vimeo is known for its emphasis on high-quality and visually stunning videos. It is a preferred platform for filmmakers, artists, and businesses seeking a more professional and polished presentation of their video content. Vimeo’s focus on quality can help enhance the perception of your brand and attract a discerning audience.
  • Customization and privacy control: Vimeo provides advanced customization options for video embedding, player settings, and branding. It also offers privacy control features, allowing you to choose who can view your videos, embed them on websites, or download them. This level of control is particularly valuable for businesses that want to restrict access to their content or share videos exclusively with specific clients or partners.
  • Analytics and viewer engagement: Vimeo offers detailed analytics that provide insights into viewer behavior, engagement rates, and video performance. These analytics enable you to refine your video marketing strategies, understand your audience’s preferences, and optimize your content for better results.

Why you should post videos on Instagram

  • Visual-focused platform: Instagram is primarily a visual platform, making it perfect for showcasing your video content. You can upload videos to your feed, share them in Stories (up to 15 seconds), or use IGTV for longer-form videos (up to 60 minutes for verified accounts). Instagram’s emphasis on aesthetics and creativity allows you to capture attention and engage with your audience through visually appealing videos.
  • Hashtags and discoverability: Utilizing relevant hashtags in your video captions on Instagram can help increase your content’s discoverability. Users can find your videos by searching for specific hashtags or exploring trending topics, enabling you to reach a wider audience interested in your niche or industry.
  • Influencer collaborations: Instagram is home to a vast community of influencers and content creators. Partnering with relevant influencers who align with your brand can amplify your video marketing efforts. They can create sponsored content, promote your videos to their followers, and help you expand your reach and credibility.

Why you should post videos on Facebook

  • Large user base and demographic diversity: Facebook remains one of the most widely used social media platforms worldwide, offering a massive user base across different age groups and demographics. This diversity presents an opportunity to target and engage with various audiences through your video content.
  • Facebook Watch: Facebook Watch is a dedicated video platform within Facebook that allows users to discover, watch, and engage with videos. It provides an opportunity to showcase your videos to a specifically video-focused audience and benefit from the platform’s algorithms that recommend videos based on user interests.
  • Targeted advertising: Facebook’s powerful advertising platform enables you to create highly targeted video ads to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. You can leverage Facebook’s extensive user data to ensure your videos are seen by the right people, enhancing the effectiveness of your video marketing campaigns.

By strategically utilizing each platform’s unique features, you can effectively promote your brand and drive your video marketing success. To do this use video tools and recycle your videos! Though each network has unique requirements for video lengths and formats, there are some overlaps. You can, for example, post the same video as a YouTube Shorts video, an Instagram Reel and a TikTok.

There are also ways to recycle your videos, even if the format does not match. Check out how you can repurpose your videos here.

Get started with your video tools!

The world of video marketing offers endless possibilities for businesses looking to captivate their audience and drive meaningful engagement. With the right video tools at your disposal, you can create compelling visual content, effectively promote your brand, and reach your target audience like never before. Whether it’s leveraging the editing capabilities of tools like Canva and InShot to craft professional and visually stunning videos, exploring AI-driven solutions like Synthesia to automate and personalize your video production or harnessing the power of social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook through Blog2Social to amplify your reach, there’s a tool for every need and goal.

Video is more than just a trend. It’s a powerful medium that convey your brand story, showcase your services, and establish a connection with your audience. By incorporating video into your marketing strategy you can create memorable experiences, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, the possibilities are endless. Start leveraging the power of video today and watch your brand soar to new heights!

Read more

Optimal social media video sizes

How to boost your social media presence using video

Simplify Your Video Marketing: Repurpose Video Content for Multiple Social Media Channels

Today, almost all of the most popular social media platforms support videos: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, but also Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Pinterest. They even make them more visible than images or text – videos usually get 48 % more views. In this article we show you how to easily repurpose your video content and to share it accross multiple social media channels for maximum exposure, engagement and efficiency.

video posts usually get 48 % more views than other social media posts

Do you spend countless hours creating top-quality videos that you’re proud of just to share it to a single social media network? You might want to recycle video content for multiple social media platforms. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • Optimizing your reach: Repurposing video content across various social media platforms enables you to tap into new audiences. This maximizes the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts.
  • Saving time and resources: Repurposing video content eliminates the need  to create entirely new content for each platform. By leveraging existing videos, you can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent starting from scratch when creating social media posts.
  • Boosting audience engagement: Repurposing video content helps you sustain engagement with your current audience, keeping them interested in your brand. By delivering valuable content in different formats, you can maintain a strong connection and encourage ongoing interactions.
  • Enhancing visibility and brand awareness: Extend the reach of your content by repurposing it across different platforms. This strategy amplifies your brand’s visibility and generates greater awareness about your products or services, making it an indispensable component of your marketing strategy.

Would you like to watch this post as a video?

This is a quick tutorial for your new and easy video recycling strategy!

What is video content recycling?

Video recycling or repurposing your videos means more than just sharing the same video across multiple channels. It involves taking your existing video content and transforming it into different formats or adapting it for various platforms. By repurposing videos, you can extract valuable information, ideas, or messages from your original content and present them in new ways to reach a wider audience or extend the lifespan of your content.

There are a variety of strategies you can use to repurpose your videos, depending on the platform and your goals. Some of the most common ways to repurpose include include:

  • Trimming videos to fit different platforms: If your video is too long for a specific platform, consider trimming it down to fit the platform’s requirements. For example, Instagram Reels are limited to 60 seconds, while TikToks can now be up to 3 minutes long.
  • Creating shorter clips or highlights: Instead of repurposing the entire video, consider creating shorter clips or highlights that can be shared on social media platforms. This can be a great way to tease your full video and entice viewers to watch the whole thing.
  • Adding subtitles: Adding captions or subtitles to your videos can make them more accessible and engaging, while also improving your video’s SEO.
  • Posting at the perfect times: To use each platform’s requirements to fuel your success, take a look at user behavior. When are users most active on the platform? Schedule your videos at this time to reach maximum engagement. Social media tools like Blog2Social help you with that by showing you the best times for each network and automatically publishing your videos.

Which social media networks work best for video sharing?

When it comes to repurposing videos, it’s essential to consider the characteristics and requirements of different video networks. Each platform caters to a slightly different target group. While some networks may overlap in their target audience, they often engage viewers in different ways. Here are some of the video networks you should consider for repurposing:

  1. YouTube: Ideal for tutorials, behind-the-scenes content, and in-depth dives into topics.
  2. YouTube Shorts: Allows for quick glimpses into your content, suitable for capturing viewers’ attention.
  3. Vimeo: A platform known for high-quality and professional videos, appealing to a sophisticated audience.
  4. Instagram (Reels): Perfect for short, entertaining, funny, personal, and educational videos.
  5. TikTok: Popular for short, trendy, creative, and educational videos.
  6. Facebook: Offers visibility to a wide range of video content, appealing to millions of users.
  7. Pinterest: Emerging as a great platform for video content, especially for DIY, inspirational, and instructional short videos.
  8. LinkedIn: A professional networking platform where video content can help you reach a business-focused audience.
  9. Twitter: Allows for sharing videos, capturing attention in a fast-paced environment.
  10. Mastodon: An open-source social network that supports video content sharing and an alternative to Twitter.
  11. Discord: While Discord is primarily known as a communication platform for gamers, it can also be used for video marketing to engage with specific communities and target audiences.

The perfect format for each network

To ensure your repurposed videos align with the requirements of each platform, it’s important to consider video resolutions and aspect ratios. Different platforms have specific dimensions for optimal viewing experiences. For example, vertical videos with a 9:16 aspect ratio are suitable for Instagram Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Pinterest. Square videos with a 1:1 aspect ratio work well on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Discord and LinkedIn. Horizontal videos are typically associated with YouTube or Vimeo.

Remember, not all videos are a perfect fit for every platform. If you have a long, twenty-minute video on YouTube, you’ll need to make alterations to share it on platforms like TikTok or Instagram. However, when repurposing videos, the easiest approach is to share them on social networks with similar requirements. For instance, you can repost TikToks to Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts.

formats for social media videos: horizontal, square, vertical

Understanding the video networks, their formats, and requirements allows you to effectively repurpose your videos for different platforms, maximizing your content’s reach and engagement. By adapting your videos to the characteristics of each platform, you can create a more cohesive and appealing experience for your audience, increasing the chances of attracting and retaining viewers.

Your video reporposing strategy

Create a horizontal video

To create videos that are easily repurposable, it’s advisable to start by creating a horizontal video. Film your video as you normally would and upload it to YouTube. To ensure your video is convincing and engaging, always keep the viewer in mind, taking them on a journey and delivering the information that interests them.

Post the video on YouTube and Vimeo

When you upload your video on YouTube and Vimeo, optimize its visibility by adding an attention-grabbing headline, a captivating caption, and relevant tags.

Shorten your Video

Next, consider shortening your video to three minutes or less. Alternatively, you can create multiple snippets, focusing on the most interesting, entertaining, or funny parts of the video.

Create a square video

Utilize these clips to create new videos in a square format. Use your preferred video editing tool to place your video on a square canvas, adding a solid-colored border to the top and bottom.

recycle horizontal videos in a square format

Add a headline and subtitles

Enhance the square video meme by incorporating a catchy headline and subtitles. Place the headline in the border at the top of the video and the subtitles in the lower border. The subtitles are especially important because 85 % of people watch social media videos without sound. This ensures your message can be understood even without audio.

Post the square video

Now, share your square video on various social media platforms! Square videos tend to perform exceptionally well on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. You can also share them on Twitter or Mastodon for wider reach.

Create a vertical video

For platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Pinterest, create a vertical video. Use your horizontal video clips and add larger borders at the top and bottom to maintain a 16:9 ratio, perfectly formatted for these platforms. Similarly, customize the headlines and subtitles for each social media network, introducing variation and catering to their unique audiences.

recycle horizontal videos in a vertical format

Speed up the process with Blog2Social

To streamline the process, leverage tools like Blog2Social. This platform allows you to tailor your social media posts to meet each platform’s specifications. You can personalize captions, titles, and add important keywords and hashtags. Blog2Social simplifies the adaptation of your descriptions and videos, enabling a single workflow for all selected platforms.

To maximize visibility and engagement, make the most of your videos by scheduling your posts at optimal times when your audience is most active online. If you’re unsure about the best posting times, Blog2Social can automatically schedule your posts for the ideal times on each network, ensuring maximum engagement.

Tips for maintaining quality and engagement when repurposing videos

While repurposing your videos can save time and effort. It’s important to maintain quality and engagement to keep your audience interested. Here are some tips for maintaining quality and engagement when recycling video content:

  • Maintain brand consistency: Ensure that your repurposed content maintains a consistent brand voice and message across all platforms. This creates a cohesive experience for your audience and strengthens brand recognition.
  • Optimize thumbnails: Select captivating thumbnails that accurately represent your content when repurposing YouTube videos. A compelling thumbnail can attract viewers, while a subpar one may deter them from clicking.
  • Include a call-to-action: When repurposing videos, incorporate a clear call-to-action to prompt viewers to take the desired action, such as visiting your website, subscribing to your channel, or following you on social media.
  • Engage actively: When repurposing your YouTube videos, actively engage with your audience on each platform. Respond to comments, pose questions, and foster discussions to keep your audience engaged and foster a sense of community around your content.

Get started with your time-saving video strategy!

Repurposing your videos for multiple social media channels is a powerful strategy that can significantly expand your brand’s reach and engage diverse audiences. By leveraging the right tools, such as Blog2Social’s new video sharing feature, you can streamline and automate the process, saving valuable time and effort while ensuring consistent promotion across platforms.

Here’s your checklist for effective video recycling: Save it for later and just follow the steps whenever you want to promote your video and repeat as many times as you want.

Understanding the unique requirements of each social media platform and employing creative repurposing strategies are key to effectively promoting your videos. With Blog2Social, you have the ability to tailor your video content to suit each platform’s specifications, ensuring optimal visibility and engagement.

Imagine the time and energy you can save by recycling video content instead of creating entirely new videos for each platform. Blog2Social’s capabilities enable you to efficiently repurpose your videos, reaching audiences on popular platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Vimeo, Facebook, and Pinterest.

By embracing the art of video repurposing, you can maximize the potential of your video content across the digital landscape. Extend the lifespan of your videos, captivate audiences in various formats, and witness the growth and impact of your brand. 

The Complete Social Media Guide and Toolbox

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Social media is the most important source for driving traffic to a blog or website and generating reach. Readers and potential customers use social media channels to conduct targeted research, share information and discuss current topics. Click here to get the Social Media Guide

Navigating Twitter’s New Terms of Service: How To Stay Connected via Blog2Social

Twitter recently changed its terms of service for all third-party applications such as social media tools. Twitter’s new policies affect the way these applications interact with the platform. As part of this change, Twitter is gradually suspending all current Twitter connections.

In essence, Twitter has transitioned from a free service to a subscription-based model, ranging from a limited free plan to a comprehensive, volume-based paid plan. Please be aware that this situation affects all third-party tools that interact with Twitter. Many tool providers have since completely discontinued their support for integration with Twitter.

To overcome these new obstacles and to provide our users with a better solution for Twitter posts, the Blog2Social team is currently implementing a new option that will enable you to fully leverage Twitter’s features for sharing your content through Blog2Social. These modifications will be implemented with the Update 7.2 by July, the 24th. We will keep you updated on this post, so make sure to check back soon!

Keep Tweeting with Blog2Social Using Your Unique Twitter API

With the upcoming Blog2Social update you will maintain the ability to connect and share your content on Twitter. This will be achieved by assigning each user a unique Twitter API key, providing a direct and exclusive connection from Blog2Social to Twitter. An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a secure conduit that enables software applications to interact and safely exchange data.

We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to get your own Twitter API key and how to set up a new Twitter connection with Blog2Social shortly. After completing these steps, you will be able to re-establish the connection to your account and to leverage Twitter’s features with Blog2Social along with your needs.

» Learn how to get your unique Twitter API

How to Connect Your Twitter Account with Blog2Social

Once Twitter has provided you with your unique API key, you can enter this key in your Blog2Social settings to establish the connection to your Twitter account and use the service with Blog2Social.

» Here’s how you set up your Twitter API in Blog2Social

Impact on Previously Scheduled Tweets

With the suspension of the current connections by Twitter, any scheduled posts that were prepared via that connection will unfortunately not be able to be posted as planned.

Once the new connection is established, you will be able to schedule tweets as usual for any time you wish with just a few simple clicks.

Understanding Twitter’s New Plans

As part of their new terms of service for third party tools, Twitter introduced plans that offer different options, rules and regulations. These plans aim at improving the user experience, facilitate moderation, and enhance the overall ecosystem on Twitter. Let’s explore the details what this means for you:

Twitter offers different subscription plans for sharing tweets via the Twitter API, each catering to specific needs and requirements. 

  1. Free plan: basic access with a limit of 1,500 tweets per month
  2. Basic plan: offers access to 2 apps, allowing for up to 3,000 tweets, priced at $100/month
  3. Pro plan: offers access to 3 apps, allowing for up to 300,000 tweets and is available at $5,000/month
  4. Enterprise: individual setup 

Note that these Twitter plans apply to a single Twitter API each. You can manage multiple Twitter accounts with one API. In this case, the posting quota applies to all linked Twitter accounts. However, you can also apply for a separate API for each account and choose the appropriate Twitter version for each.

With a Blog2Social Premium Pro license, you can manage multiple Twitter APIs and assign them to the respective Twitter accounts.

All users operating under a Blog2Social license share the same Twitter API linked to the respective Twitter account. If a team is managing your Twitter presence, inform them about the specifications of each API version to ensure smooth operations.